Master of Many Forms

PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.
A master of many forms has no shape that she calls her own. Instead, she occupies whatever body is most expedient for her at the time. While others base their identities largely on their external forms, a master of many forms actually comes closer to her true self through her transformations. Of necessity, her sense of self is based not on her outward form, but on her soul, which is truly the only constant around her. It is the inner strength of that soul that enables her to take on any shape and remain herself within.
The path of the master of many forms is ideal for a spell caster of any race who has experience shape changing and yearns for more of it. Such a character can be a great force for either good or ill in the world. An evil master of many forms in particular poses a terrible threat, for she can appear anywhere, in any body. The same opponents may face her again and again, in one shape after another, never realizing that they are actually facing a single enemy.

To qualify to become a master of many forms, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
- Skills: Knowledge: Nature 8 ranks, Knowledge: The Planes 4 ranks.
- Feats: Adaptability, Alertness, Great Fortitude, Guardian Of The Grove.
- Special: Wild Shape Class feature
Class Skills

The class skills of the master of many forms are:
- Concentration
- Craft
- Diplomacy
- Disguise
- Hide
- Lore
- Listen
- Spot
- Survival
Class Features

Base Attack Bonus Progression: Medium
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Hit Dice: D8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The master of many forms gain no proficiency with any armor or weapon.
Shifter Speech: A master of many forms maintains her ability to speak normally (including casting spells) regardless of the form she takes. She gains the Feat Natural Spell at 1st Level.
A Thousand Faces: At 1st level, a master of many forms gains the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in her normal form.
Wild shape: At 2nd level and each level afterwards, you gain another use of the wild shape feat.
Wild shape: Alter self – At 2nd Level a master of many forms gains the ability to change her form as per the alter self spell, at will.
Improved Wild shape: The master of many forms spends the majority of her time training her body to take on any form. To this end, she can take many more forms then a normal druid could ever dream of. Forms followed by a numeric value represent the number of combined Master of Many Forms, Druid, and Nature’s Warrior levels required to assume that particular shape.
- Wild shape Humanoid (1): Orc, Kobold, Gnoll, Goblin, Lizard Man
- Wild shape Giant Humanoid (2): Hill Giant (12), Frost Giant (14), Fire Giant (15), Ogre, Troll
- Wild shape Domestic (2): Cow, Pig, Cat, Chicken, Horse
- Wild shape Monstrous Humanoid (3): Gargoyle, Annis Hag, Grimlock
- Wild shape Dire (4): Wolf, Badger, Bear, Boar, Panther
- Wild shape Vermin (5): Beetle, Spider, Giant Beetle, Giant Spider
- Wild shape Tiny (6): Rabbit, Weasel, Bat, Rat, Bird
- Wild shape Aberration (6): Mindflayer, Beholder (13), Umber Hulk
- Wild shape Plant (7): Treant, Shambling Mound
- Wild shape Fey (8): Dryad, Pixie
- Wild shape Elemental (9): Huge Elementals, Ancient Elementals (20)
- Wild shape Draconic (10): Wyvern, Wyrmling, Young Dragon (17), Young Adult Dragon (22)
Ever shifting Form: At 10th level, the master of many forms has reached the pinnacle of her shape changing abilities. She becomes immune to any hostile transmutation spell or effect.