
<b>Name:</b> Mirko<br>
<b>Known as:</b> jus' Mirko<br>
<b>Home/Location:</b> Homeless'''<br>
<b>Birthplace:</b> Unknown<br>
<b>Age:</b> early 30s<br>
<b>Race:</b> Human<br>
<b>Gender:</b> Male<br>
<b>Deity:</b> What's Dat?<br>
<b>Alignment:</b> CG<br>

Friendly – and slightly vapid – blue eyes seem out of place in this huge, homely brute of a man. Corded muscles might stem from wielding the Axe he carries, or from farm labor – it's hard to tell.<br>
A shock of blonde hair tops an angular face with a rather strong chin. He's hardly a beauty, and despite his rather gentle eyes, there is an air about him of a coiled spring.<br><br>
Mostly, he can be found at the Exigo Campfire, snoring the day away in his smallclothes, but never without his helmet, the ugliest horned thing one can imagine. The fact that one of the horns has a tendency to twist out of position does not make it any prettier, either.<br>
He talks little unless asked – which is why little is known of him – gets extremely tongue tied around women, but is more than ready to jump to their aid at any perceived or real threat to them. Blushing all the while.<br>
He adores children and will go to even greater lengths to see them safe than he will for a damsel in distress.<br><br>

<li> none</li>

<b>Miscellaneous Information:</b>
<li> if he could only remember….</li>
<li> <b>FIXME: http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7336| link to forum Bio </b>, which <i>cannot</i> be considered fully IC. Unless someone gets him drunk enough to talk.</li>

Last updated byAnonymous