Sundarian Nobility

Greater Noble Houses

These houses own power and wealth far beyond the believable scope of the commonwealth, and they arguably decide what goes in the caste system above their respective fields. Most nobles can only dream to someday attain as much prestige or notoriety as the greater houses command; even fewer recognize an impossible goal when they see one.
Intermediate Noble Houses

While not the true pinnacle of high society, the intermediate nobles juggle considerable wealth and responsibilities with all the finesse of their betters. Their presence is usually a beneficiary one to the establishment of the Sundarian Valley, with numerous settlements having been founded and managed by the houses listed.
House Aurelianus
House Meriadoc
House Pendraig
House Ulsteris
House Veritas
House de Baudelaire
House Mossglow
Lesser Noble Houses

The lesser nobles are well on their way up in the realm of politics in the vale, having established a firm grip on their investments, and are gradually raking in the prestige that comes with success. Typically servicing the cities and towns that the intermediate houses found, they are regarded as the specialists of the well-to-do.
House Val’Tess
House Zenten
Minor Noble Houses

Either due to wealth, prestige or the limitations imposed upon their hold, fledgling nobility are barely considered upper class society by the more established houses. Some aim to climb the ranks of the social system through business while others favor politics, but all can agree that it will be a long and arduous road.
House Blackburn
House Kellridge
House Melcant
Defunct Noble Houses

These noble houses have faded into obscurity, either due to having lost all of their assets or their prestige has degraded over the years. Should they resurface in the valley’s politics in an attempt to reclaim all they’ve lost, they would be regarded as insignificant when levied against the status their peers wield, and considered little better than commoners by comparison. A noble crest is however still leagues beyond the common man, at least in terms of respect if not in wealth.
House Ashby
House Blackwell
House Lachlam
House Tornbrook
House Weir