Red Wizard of Thay


PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.

The Red Wizards are the masters of Thay, the conquerors of that land’s native Rashemi, and the would-be magical overlords of Faerûn. They focus on a school of magic more intently than any specialist, achieving incredible mastery of magic within a very narrow focus. Seen as cruel and evil tyrants by people across Toril, a few choose to leave their region, assume secret identities, and practice magic without having to worry about political alliances and possible slave uprisings.

Early in their careers, would-be Red Wizards specialize in a school of magic. All Red Wizards have some skill as a specialist wizard, and most follow that path exclusively, but a few dabble in other sorts of learning (such as combat or divine magic).



To qualify to become a Red Wizard, the character must fulfill the following criteria.

  • Race: Human
  • Feats: Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, one Metamagic or Item Creation Feat (other than Scribe Scroll)
  • Spellcasting: Specialist Wizard, able to cast 3rd level arcane spells
  • Skills: 8 Ranks in Spellcraft
  • Alignment: Non-Good

Class Skills


The class skills of the Red Wizard are:

  • Bluff
  • Concentration
  • Craft Alchemy
  • Intimidate
  • Lore
  • Spellcraft

Class Features


Base Attack Bonus Progression: Low

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Hit Dice: D4

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Red Wizard of Thay gains no new weapon or armor proficiencies.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: When a new Red Wizard level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as though he had gained a level in wizard. Red Wizard arcane spell progression cannot be applied to other classes, such as sorcerers or bards.

Enhanced Specialization: Upon becoming a Red Wizard, the character becomes even more skilled at casting spells from his chosen school of specialization. The Difficulty Check for saves against spells cast from the specialist school is increased by +1, and the Red Wizard receives +1 to his caster level when attempting to penetrate spell resistance when casting a spell from the specialist school.

Specialist Defense: A Red Wizard gains a bonus on saving throws against spells from his specialist school. This bonus is +1 at 1st level, +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 7th level, and +4 at 9th level.

Spell Power: At 2nd level, the Red Wizard’s effective caster level for determining level-dependent variable checks is increased by +1. This bonus increases by +1 at every even Red Wizard level (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 6th level, +4 at 8th level, and +5 at 10th level).

Wizard Bonus Feat: At 5th level, the Red Wizard gains a bonus metamagic or item creation feat. The Red Wizard gains an additional metamagic or item creation feat at 10th level.

Last updated byDispater