Master of the spirit world, the spirit shaman follows a different divine tradition than the cleric or druid. Her world is filled with powerful, living spirits, some helpful and some malign. By bargaining with these spirits, the spirit shaman gains power over the natural world and mighty divine magic with which to aid her comrades or smite her enemies. Creatures that are considered spirits include fey, elementals, and incorporeal undead such as wraiths and shadows.

To qualify to become a Spirit Shaman, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
- Not Applicable
Class Skills

The class skills of the Spirit Shaman are:
- Concentration
- Craft: Alchemy
- Craft: Tailoring & Leatherwork
- Craft: Woodworking
- Diplomacy
- Heal
- Knowledge: Geography
- Knowledge: History
- Knowledge: Local
- Knowledge: Nature
- Listen
- Lore
- Profession: Cook
- Profession: Fisher
- Profession: Woodcutter
- Spellcraft
- Spot
- Survival
- Swim
Class Features

Base Attack Bonus Progression: Medium
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier
Hit Dice: D8
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Spirit Shaman is proficient in the use of light armor and shields (except for tower shields). He can also make use of the club, dagger, dart, handaxe, quarterstaff, spear, sling, shortbow, and throwing axe.
Divine Spellcasting: A Spirit Shaman makes use of the Druid’s spell-list, though in an entirely different manner, more akin to a Sorcerer. The Spirit Shaman can cast any spell he knows at any time without preparation, and need not plan his spellbook before each rest. This class uses Wisdom to determine what level spell can be cast, while Charisma determines the DC for any offensive casting. The Spirit Shaman requires a Wisdom of at least 10 + Spell Level when determining what he is able to cast.
Spirit Guide: All spirit shamans have a personal spirit guide. This incorporeal entity grants the shaman the Alertness feat automatically.
Chastise Spirits: Spirits (even if incorporeal) within a 30’ radius Burst of you take 1d4 per Class level (Will save for half, DC is Charisma-based). Usable as a standard action, 3 + Charisma modifier times per day.
Detect Spirits: Usable at will as a spell-like ability. Same as Detect Undead, but applies to spirits.
Blessing of the Spirits: Activated with a 10 minute ritual. Usable at will as a Spell-Like Ability. As Protection from Evil (self only), except it applies to spirits and has a duration of permanent (may be dispelled or dismissed).
Follow the Guide: If you fail a saving throw vs. an enchantment, you receive a save the next round at the same DC.
Ghost Warrior: Any weapon you hold gains “Ghost Touch”. Incorporeal creatures attempting to make a touch attack on you must hit your normal AC instead (i.e., all your bonuses to AC are “Ghost Touch” as well).
Warding of the Spirits: Activated with a 10 minute ritual. Usable once per day as a spell-like ability. As Magic Circle against Evil, except it applies to spirits and has a duration of 10 minutes per level.
Spirit Form: You become incorporeal. This is a supernatural ability which is activated with a standard action and has a duration of 1 minute. In addition to the standard benefits of being incorporeal, you gain a touch attack (attack roll is Dexterity based) that does 1d6 damage and is treated as ‘magic’ for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Guide Magic: Your spirit guide (i.e., a second sentience within your mind) can maintain Concentration on spells for you. Conditions affecting your body (such as damage and being entangled) do not apply to it, so it does not normally have to make Concentration checks. If a spell requires a check, it uses your Concentration check bonus.
Recall Spirit: Raise Dead, usable once per week as a spell-like ability. Only usable within 1 round of the target’s death, but does not result in loss of level.
Excorcism: Drive a spirit out of a body it is possessing by making a class level check + charisma modifier vs. DC 10 + possessing creature’s HD + possessing creature’s Charisma modifier. An exorcized spirit cannot attempt to possess the same victim for 24 hours. Usable as a full round action.
Weaken Spirit: When using the Chastise Spirit class ability, you may forgo damage to remove some of the defenses of every Spirit in the area of effect (Will negates). Each affected spirit has the following suppressed: Spell resistance, damage reduction (except vs. /adamantine or /-), and an incorporeal creature loses its immunity to non-magic attacks, the 50% miss chance of corporeal attacks, and its ability to move through solid objects. The effect lasts for 1 round per 3 HD of damage forgone.
Spirit Journey: Shadow Walk (self only), usable 1/day as a spell-like ability. Travels through the Plane of Spirit (instead of the Plane of Shadow), so does not need to enter through shadows.
Favoured of the Spirits: You gain a contingency effect that activates a Heal if your hit-points or ability score drop to 0 (or lower).
Spirit Who Walks: You become a fey being and gain damage reduction 5/cold iron.