Stormlord of Talos



PRESTIGE CLASS: This class is not available at character creation and must be unlocked by meeting special requirements, listed below.

Stormlords wield thunder and lightning like a warrior wields his sword. Because of their command of one of the most destructive aspects of nature, stormlords are viewed with awe and fear by lesser folk, regardless of their motivation.



To qualify to become a Stormlord, the character must fulfill the following criteria.

  • Saving Throws: Fortitude +4
  • Feats: Thoughness, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (Spear, Throwing Axe, Dart, or Shuriken)
  • Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd level divine spells
  • Special: Must worship Talos as a deity

Class Skills


The class skills of the Stormlord are:

  • Concentration
  • Craft Alchemy
  • Intimidate
  • Lore
  • Spellcraft
  • Survival

Class Features


Base Attack Bonus Progression: Medium

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier

Hit Dice: D8

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Stormlord gains no new proficiencies for weapons or armor.

Spells Per Day/Spells Known: When a new Stormlord level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as though he had gained a level in whatever divine spellcasting class gave him access to 3rd-level divine spells. If the character has more than one applicable divine spellcasting class, he must pick one to improve.

Electrical Resist: Stormlords are granted resistance to electrical damage 5/- at 1st level, 10/- at 4th level, and 15/- at 7th level.

Enhanced Weapons: Focused weapons count as +1 at 1st level, +2 at 6th level, and +3 at 9th level.

Shock Weapon: At the 2nd level, a Stormlord may add 1d8 electricity damage to their weapon for 20 rounds.

Shocking Burst Weapon: At the 5th level, a Stormlord can add 1d8 electrical plus an extra 2d8 on critical hits for 20 rounds.

Shocking Burst and Sonic Weapon: Same as Shocking Burst, with an added 1d8 sonic damage. Gained at 8th level.

Electricity immunity: At the 9th level, a storm lord is fully immune to electrical damage.

Extended Storm Avatar: At the 10th level, a Stormlord may cast Storm Avatar as though druid with caster level equal to character level with Extend Spell, once per day.

Last updated byDispater