In response to the strict levels of magical policing in Sundren City, the former Left Hands of Mundus formed their own organization dedicated to teaching the Art to any who would seek to use it responsibly. Calling themselves the true inheritors of Mundus’ will, their school has grown to encompass many of the magical arts into its collegium of magisters.
This college, once sequestered in the Viridale, came to light with the fall of Sundren City and the acts of its members.
Charter Statement

The Magisterium is committed to fostering fellowship, cooperation, and law among its members in order to mutually protect and defend the techniques and vision of Mundus. This Magisterium was created after the Day of Broken Blades, in order to gather and protect the members of the Left Hand that were exiled from Sundren and to create a new and more inclusive university of magic. To better address the needs of the mages gathered together after the exile, and to establish a uniform protocol to better serve these needs, this Charter has been written.
Mundus believed that magic should constantly be innovating and spreading, but tempered by law and order. It is these precepts that provide the foundation for this Charter.

This Magisterium exists to mediate disputes between it’s members, maintain and enforce laws for the stability and protection of magi in the region, and organize to foster and include new practitioners of the Weave who seek learning. Further, it seeks to protect its members from the controlling and corrupting influences of the Abyss and Hells, Black Hand, worshipers of the Shadow Weave and loyal supporters of the Emperor Tyrant of Sundren. The Magisterium claims jurisdiction over all those who seek membership but also requires that all mages who reside within the valley follow it’s laws and precepts while within this territory.

The Magisterium is empowered to act when individuals are in violation of the precepts and laws set forth in the Laws of the Charter as listed below. The Laws of the Charter also lists punishments, methods and specifics of this order. The Magisterium will also intervene when actions by its members risk exposing secrets of arcana to enemies, or to counter threats deemed dangerous enough to risk the destruction of the Magisterium. The Magisterium may also act when disputes between mages escalate and become a danger to non-magi, other members or risk exposure, regardless of whether the individuals involved seek mediation.

All members and students are expected to follow the Magisterium’s edicts and laws. The actions of any students a given member may have, will be considered as the actions of the Master. The Magisterium will maintain a gathering space, with offices for the Master and also a meeting and holding area and library, to which access will be restricted and only allowed to members of the Magisterium.
Positions and their Duties and Responsibilities

The Council

The Magisterium shall be lead by a Council of Masters created from its members. These Masters shall act as representatives for the governance of the members and generals in the wars against the Magisterium’s enemies. The authority of the Council is only limited by what is in the Charter. The Council shall hereafter refer to those who hold the position of Master or Hierarch (see subsections on each) with Quen’ir filling in when necessary. The Council shall be responsible for the Magisterium Charter, both in upholding its laws and amending it. 2/3 vote of the currently sitting Council shall be required to enact a change in the Charter.

Head of the Magisterium
The Hierarch shall be appointed by the sitting Council once per two years, requiring 3/5 of the Councilors to approve of the new Hierarch. The Hierarch shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a common meeting grounds and headquarters for the Magisterium. The Hierarch shall sit as a member of the Council, with all rights contained therein, with one vote equal to that of any other member.

One of five individuals chosen to sit on the Council and lead the Magisterium with the Hierarch.
Each Master of the Council shall hold an area of study unique to their talents and skills. These Masters shall act as teachers for the new magi that come to the Magisterium, in addition to their administrative duties. They shall teach the students their area of study, and provide such guidance and counsel as needed to each. The Masters will sit in session as a Council no less than once per month to discuss the state of the Magisterium and any business facing it. Masters will make themselves available to provide guidance and mediation when member magi request it of the Magisterium.
When a Master retires, dies, or chooses to abdicate his position, a meeting will be held by the Council to elect a new Master. They will seek out any eligible Quen’ir who were former students of the Master in question, and determine if any are of suitable candidacy to replace the Master in his specialty. If none are found, or the Master has no living Quen’ir, the Council will open the position of Master to other Quen’ir of differing specialties. The Quen’ir chosen must have a unique specialty to the Council, and must be fit and able to perform the duties of the Master.
Removal of a Master

There are three methods by which a Master may be removed from their seat.
By Request of the Magisterium
A Master is approached by an individual who is a full member of the Magisterium. The complainant must indicate the reasons why they believe the Master is not effective and is failing to support the aims of the Magisterium. The complainant is notified that they may be required to testify to such before the Council. The complainant is notified that no vote may be taken until three such complaints have been made by separate members of the order. At this point, a Master may call a vote of no confidence. The vote calling is not mandatory, as such complainants are recommended to approach more than one Master to request that they represent their concerns. When called, a hearing can be established to present testimony if desired to better understand the reasons. A 3/5 vote of Council with the additional approval of the Hierarch is necessary for this vote to pass.
By Failure of Duty
Should a Master not respond or contribute to Council business for a period of 4 weeks, then any Councilor may call a vote to petition the Hierarch for removal. A Master on a leave of absence for longer than this period of time must have a temporary replacement in place who can continue business while they are gone. Meaningful contribution should include actual opinion and suggestion or making progress on issues before the Council. Once the vote is called, it may proceed even if the individual in question resumes their duties appropriately during the voting period. This vote requires the agreement of 3 Masters and the Hierarch. This vote shall be held as a sidebar without contribution of the Master in question. Should any Master not respond to the vote within 4 weeks, their vote shall be considered yes.
By Hierarch Request
The Hierarch may also call a petition to have a Master removed. This vote can be called without cause and requires agreement of four Masters to pass rather than a simple majority.
Elite Magi/Quen’ir

A full member of the Magisterium, these mages are given full reign to choose their paths to arcane knowledge
A Quen’ir has graduated from the Magisterium, and is granted full rights and privileges to available research and resources in their goals. They may seek to become Masters, or may decide that their goals lie elsewhere, outside the Magisterium. Either way, as long as they adhere to the Charter, these mages are always welcomed back with open arms. Of those who choose to remain with the Magisterium, some serve as guardians of the Charter and the Magisterium, others seek out new tomes and magical techniques to bring back. They are the Magisterium’s pride, and are given a magical artifact to signify their graduation from the school.

An understudy to a Master, an Istim’ir is a student seeking to complete his or her masterwork, and become a full member of the Magisterium.
Each Istim’ir shall be made by appointment from the Hierarch or Master that they serve, without need to gain approval from anyone else prior to the appointment. When they have chosen a Master to study under, they shall see to the needs of the Master in relation to Magisterium business. They are not servants, but are expected to handle tasks that the Master requires in regards to his research. A Master is expected to treat his Istim’ir with respect, and with the purpose of teaching them their craft.
An Istim’ir is subject to the full laws (including the precepts) of the Magisterium, and are considered full members on probation. When they graduate, they are given full rights without the probationary supervision that a Master provides. An Istim’ir may choose to leave the Magisterium, provided they allowed themselves to have a geas cast on them to not speak of the Master’s research.

Signifying the bright future of magic, apprentices are the lifeblood of the Magisterium.
An apprentice, or Elear shall attend lectures by each of the Masters, until such a time that they decide to pick a master to act as Istim’ir for. They shall have access to the lower level arcana, until such a time that a Master grants the apprentice access to more powerful magics. If an apprentice is caught seeking these magics without permission, they may find themselves either subject to lashing, or expulsion from the Magisterium. An apprentice is not bound to serve a Master, until such a time that he or she binds themselves to one to complete their masterwork.
An Elear is not subject to the full laws of the Magisterium, only the Unbreakable Laws and the Iron Law. The Precepts do not need to be adhered to the extent that full members are. Further, an Elear has the option to leave the Magisterium entirely, before they are granted access to the full knowledge of the Magisterium.
Joining the Magisterium

The process for joining the Magisterium is as follows:
1. New mage arrives in town and seeks out a Master/Quen’ir to introduce themselves.
2. Master scrys the new mage with their permission, to determine if their loyalties fall in with any of the Magisterium’s enemies. Alternatively, the Quen’ir finds a Master to do so.
3. The Master informs at least one other Master of the new mage, who does the same.
4. A Master sponsors the new mage for membership into the Magisterium.
5. Approved mages are then announced as “welcome” at the next Magisterium meeting.
Laws of the Charter

These are the laws, rulings, procedures and precedents of this Magisterium. The body of law is constantly evolving as precedents are accrued and added to the list, giving further reference for resolution guidelines.
The Unbreakable Laws

The Unbreakable Laws are observed by all Magi, with severe consequences for violating them.
- The Right of Emeritus Those who have earned respect must be treated with respect. This protocol requests that those within the Magisterium deserving of respect are granted such. A primary application of this would be respecting the positions within the Magisterium and aiding, rather than defying or actively hindering those individuals in their duties. Not simply titles are deserving of respect, deeds and understanding are also worthy and this is more a suggestion that members should heed the words of those who have accomplished something worth respecting.
- The Right of Hospitality Those who request hospitality must be granted it. Any mage not an enemy of the Magisterium, member or not may request Hospitality under this right which will protect a mage for a visit up to the length of three phase changes of the moon (approximately slightly more than a week). During this time he shall be protected from threats (internal and external) given a place to stay and provided with at least enough food to survive upon. Any injuries the mage has upon arriving which are life-threatening will be healed until the mage’s health is stable. However, the right of Hospitality goes both ways. The mage is bound not to act against the providing magi’s interests while a guest in their home, the consequences of not doing so being expelled, and not being able to claim it again.
- The Right of Nemesis When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way. No Mage shall interfere with a feud between mages uninvited unless it becomes a direct threat to them, their apprentices or dependents. Mages shall have the right to challenge another to a Duel Arcane to settle their grievances which shall be held upon neutral Magisterium territory with witnesses if so desired. A mage may present a challenge for such by formal declaration which may also be forwarded to the Council. A duel to the death must be first approved by a majority vote of the Council after explanations on why such severity is necessary.
- The Right of Sanctuary Protect your home, and let no action cause it harm. No mage shall intentionally disrupt or threaten Magisterium holdings or resources. Aside from the aforementioned duels, feuds ongoing under the right of Nemesis shall be kept away from or temporarily held off while in Magisterium meeting places as not to endanger others. Similarly the Magisterium shall respect the Sanctums of member individuals.
The Iron Laws

Iron Laws are those laws that are instituted by the Council.
Bargains and Oaths

Bargains and Oaths made between recognized mages are enforceable by Magisterium Law and breaking an Oath made can be subject to punishment up to a Severe Reprimand. This will only apply when Magisterium enforcement is made a part of the agreement. A copy of the agreement may be submitted to the Magisterium via any Master. Should either party then break the agreement, they may simply petition for the enforcement by the Magisterium and a reprimand will be acknowledged in the precedents against the at-fault party.
Crimes Against Another

The laws of Sundren are comparable here, in relation to such crimes like banditry, rape, murder, assault, etc. The Magisterium will not tolerate such behavior, at least while in relation to its territories and members. Should a non-member of the Magisterium commit such acts on a member outside its territory, the Magisterium will seek involvement to provide justice to its member under the purview of representation in the courts of the reigning jurisdiction. Between two members, the Magisterium will conduct a trial and enforce a punishment, based on the trial procedures stated within this Charter.
Use of Magic Against Civilians

Unless permitted by the Magisterium, members of the order shall not work harmful magics on civilians without their consent. This applies to all necromantic workings, enchantments, and other magics against the interests of the civilian in question.

The Precepts are guidelines for member behavior and also apply to non-members who reside within Sundren, although such individuals may be given some measure of leniency upon first offense.
- Secrecy The mysteries must be kept hidden from the enemies of Mystra and the Magisterium. Any mage who sees another giving knowledge specifically from the Magisterium to a stated enemy of the Magisterium, mage or not, should report such to the Council; especially in cases where the Black Hand is incited. Such an individual will then testify to the Council and if the accused denies the allegations, trial may follow. Punishments will vary based upon severity and repetition will inspire greater punishment. The punishments may seem light, but these transgressions will be made known and the mage’s reputation will undoubtedly suffer if she cannot be trusted to be discrete.
- Recognition Offenses against the laws and precepts of the Magisterium shall be recognized and put into the Charter so that precedents may be formed and used to gauge future offenses by others. Even acts that carry no formal penalty may be recognized as such as a warning and to be noted for future reference. This precept also includes recognition of Mages who are members of the Magisterium who shall be given less leeway that Mages who are not. Generally, only greater offenses shall be punished when the transgressor is not a part of the Magisterium ; these too shall be recorded and kept in the records and referred to should such individuals ever seek membership.
- Protectorate The Magisterium does not require that members declare where their sanctums are, however, those that do are then protected by this precept. No mage shall cause an investigation near another’s sanctum without permission from the Council. No mage shall ‘test’ the wards or limits of another’s sanctum. No mage shall enter another’s sanctum without formally granted permission. No mage shall magically attack another’s sanctum. A Quen’ir may also declare that their sanctums are entirely private, which will then require a mage announces formally their intent before even approaching the sanctum. Punishments may vary from minor reprimand or penance for approaching unannounced or testing the limits, to incarceration for entering a sanctum without permission.
- Hubris The Magisterium cannot entirely police morality, nor does it even have the resources or inclination to monitor immoral behavior. However, there are certain grievous actions which will result in formal declarations to members or punishment in some cases, particularly if the transgression is against another mage. These include, using magic for Murder and Soul theft. Other harmful acts of magic may also be cause for the events to be made known to the Magisterium at large should witnesses testify to the Council.
- War Should disputes between magi get to the point where they cannot be settled with the aid of the Magisterium, there is the option for war to be declared. The petitioning mage and his allies may come before the Council and request that they temporarily withdraw from the juristiction of the Charter and explain their reasoning for this requirement. The Council, if agreeing, may then further limit the actions that are allowed within the conflict. Violating the Precept of Secrecy is never justified, even in war, nor must civilians be harmed during the engagements.

Punishments There are ten degrees of punishment and these are detailed below. Punishments are exacted by the Council, or by a Quen’ir appointed to perform such a task.
- Minor Reprimand A formal statement that will be available to all members explaining what was done, and who by.
- Major Reprimand As above, although the Council may further request that Masters, Mages and their allies refuse assistance to the transgressor for a certain period of time.
- Payment of Debt The transgressor will be instructed to may payment, which may be a future favor, or a specific act. Favors may then be traded, as is often the case and fulfillment of these should be made known to the Magisterium.
- Minor Penance The party will be asked to perform a duty for the Magisterium; this may range from cleaning the holdings to indexing the library. Alternatively, one to four lashes at the post may be acceptable.
- Major Penance The mage will be asked to undertake a dangerous act on behalf of the Magisterium. Such a punishment is usually a sign that the mage is at least believed competent. Alternatively, the mage may accept five to eight lashes at the post.
- Severe Reprimand The mage is instructed to remain in seclusion or told not to practice magic for a certain duration and there is a further punishment of incarceration for not complying. Furthermore, a decree is issued that no one may aid or assist the transgressor for a specific duration. Assisting the mage during this time will merit the same punishment.
- Incarceration This serious punishment will confine the mage with wards where he may meditate upon what he has done and is reserved for offenses where the mage has put others at serious risk of harm or exposure.
- Banishment The mage will be told to leave the city, either for a specific duration or permanently. There may also be provisions upon return, requiring specific deeds be accomplished before the banishment will be lifted.
- Spiritual Scourging A Master of Necromancy will be called upon to take the magi’s soul and bind it to a place or object for a specified duration.
- Spiritual Oblivion For the most heinous of crimes, the punishment will be the destruction of the mage’s soul.
- Death Death. Generally reserved for those who serve the Abyss, Black Hand and Sharrans.
Trial Procedure

Trial Procedure: This section details how trials are performed within this Magisterium.
Any member of the Magisterium may bring to the Council a complaint that another has violated the laws or precepts of the Magisterium, although if the charge is relating to attack or victimization of a fellow member, then the victim must appear alongside the reporter. At this initial hearing, the complaint will be given and discussed.
Minor and Major Reprimands may be accomplished without a trial, after discussing the circumstances with the witnesses and the accused.
Should there be a majority vote by the Council, the matter may then proceed to trial under the auspices of the Charter. It is here noted that the results of such trial will become precedent and will be used to gauge future offenses.
The Hierarch may force a trial without a majority vote, although any motion for punishment or guilt within such a trial will require a two thirds vote instead of a majority.
If the Mage to stand trial is a Quen’ir, or there are secrets of the Magisterium at risk, then a Master or the Hierarch may request that the trial be held in secret without open hearings. In such cases, the petitioner, accused and factotums may also be excluded from hearings.
The petitioner and respondent may bring factotums from their order to speak on their behalf, acting as a lawyer of sorts.
The petitioner may choose a Master to advocate for him, who will then be responsible for the method of bringing witnesses to trial and on summoning the respondent.
In cases involving potential punishments greater than a major penance, the Masters may bring witnesses to trial against their will.
Should the defendant refuse to cooperate with the trial proceedings, they may be banished from the Magisterium, pending the result of the trial – which will proceed without them.
The trials will be held in the Magisterium meeting chambers, although the Hierarch or a two thirds majority vote of Council may override this default choice.
After invoking the Charter, the trial will proceed. The Hierarch stands as judge and the Council as jury. Testimony will be called for, witnesses examined and evidence presented while precedent should also be cited. Magic may be cast by Masters to determine truth or falsehood and further magic may be requested as circumstances merit.
The verdict shall be determined by majority vote (except as above in cases of forced trial by the Hierarch). In case of a tie, the Hierarch’s vote is removed.
For a guilty verdict, both sides may then state a punishment they feel appropriate. The Masters will then state their opinion. The Hierarch will then decide the punishment.
Lesser sentences may be carried out by the Quen’ir, while more severe punishments may require the assistance of the Masters, although a Quen’ir will be assigned to verify in such a case that the punishment is in fact carried out.
In the case of repeat offenders or on the merits of severity, Magisterium members may be detained prior to any hearing should it be considered necessary by majority vote of Council.
If there is to be a trial, the individual may be released to prepare a defense (A requirement, unless the party is being held for severe misconduct that would regularly justify imprisonment, banishment or worse) but will be subject to appropriate restrictions and/or Geas. The Master acting as a gaoler will provide frequent follow up to ensure the terms are being met.
If an infraction occurs wherein the party attempts to injure another either physically or spiritually, or instances where the likely punishment will be severe (imprisonment and above), if the events are witnessed by a member of the Council, or a Quen’ir, then the party may be held for up to 24 hours pending vote of Council on detainment.

Precedents This section lists past rulings and punishments and is used as a basis for future rulings.
The Dueling Code of the Magisterium

The Right of Nemesis: When vengeance is declared, let none stand in its way. No magi shall interfere with a feud between mages uninvited unless it becomes a direct threat to them, their students or any civilians under their care. Mages shall have the right to challenge another to a Duel Arcane to settle their grievances which shall be held upon neutral Magisterium territory with witnesses if so desired, or at another agreed upon location with at least one neutral witness present. A mage may present a challenge for such by formal declaration which may also be forwarded to the Council. A duel to the death must be first approved by a majority vote of the Council after explanations on why such severity is necessary.
Code Duello

The following protocols should be taken as standard for the Duel Arcane.
- A formal challenge or declaration of hostilities is the first step. The challenger informs the challenged of the nature of the dispute and what his demands are. Challenges may be brought by a group of mages, although if a group challenges a smaller number of mages then the challenge can be refused without recourse. A challenge, much like a declaration of war under the precept of war, may be brought against/by an individual or against/by a cabal.
- A request to the Council, citing necessity and reasoning is required for any Duel Arcane that will be to the death, prior to the challenge being issued.
- The demands must be pertinent to the issue stated and if there is a feeling that the demands do not align with the severity of the problem, a petition may be filed with the Council before the Duel commences. For example, requiring a mage to create and relinquish a soul stone due to an insult to one’s honor could be considered out of line. Petty appeals used to simply stall for time may be subject to reprimand.
- Should a Mage refuse a Duel Arcane outright without either conceding the point and agreeing to the Challengers demands or indicating that they will petition the Council to review the demands made by the Challenger, the Challenger may then use other means at their disposal to exact vengeance upon the Challenged, without interference from those outside the conflict so long as others are not put at risk. This may include the death of the party who refused the challenge, and no punishment shall be brought against the challenger for any part of this vengeance. Those challenged to a Duel Arcane should consider the seriousness of being Challenged to a Duel, and the potentially dire consequences of refusal.
- Demands are issued by the challenger. The benefit to the challenged party for victory is a permanent end to the dispute, as the challenger may not ‘reopen’ the case. Had the challenged party considered their grievance sufficient to make demands, they could have easily issued the challenge themselves.
- Standard dueling terms are that parties may show for the duel having prepared spells themselves, but not having been bolstered by others. Mages shall have the right to challenge another to a Duel Arcane to settle their grievances which may be held upon neutral Magisterium territory, generally within the Magisterium Library, with witnesses if so desired. Mages may also hold Duels Arcane in locations agreed upon by both parties, but must have at least one neutral witness. The time of the duel is also declared by the challenger and may well be ‘Now’, should the parties already be in acceptable territory.
- Once both parties are present at the location and the challenge has been accepted, the duel is considered to be officially begun by the squaring of the circle although a formal declaration of starting may accomplish this before the spell is cast. After this starting point, any other mage who interferes with the proceedings will be charged with breaking the Right of Nemesis.
- The challenge of wills is then immediately followed by the duel itself.
- The actual duel comprises of non-lethal attacks of the Weave. Any spell casting that tears the soul from the body (such as Finger of Death) is prohibited. Should a mage attempt to cast another spell in lieu of a sanctioned attack, his opponent is no longer bound by the restrictions of the duel and may continue it up to any point including death regardless of whether his opponent yields. So that this tennant is not abused, a neutral watcher must be present and confirm the casting to the participants before any final blow is struck.
- An opponent may otherwise yield at any time. A party is required to yield once they are mentally exhausted, unless the Council has sanctioned a duel to the death. An opponent may also yield during a duel to the death, and such a yield must be accepted.
- The loser of the duel is expected to yield the point of contention to the victor who is in turn expected to gracefully accept and allow the loser to depart peaceably and not press the advantage. The loser should not challenge the winner over the same issue again. Doing so opens the challenger up to censure by the Council.
- Taking advantage of a defeated mage after a duel by the victor will also leave the party open for punishment and reparations ordered by the Council.