This timeline is for Sundren only. Events have taken place within the gameworld that do not happen in the canon timeline. If you have questions, please ask a DM.

The Year of Eyes 1196 – Sundren Valley is found by Mundus through scrying.
The Year of Sundering 1200 – Mundus commissions Red Wizards to destroy Mount Ariest.
The Year of Walls 1201 – Rock golems created by Mundus shape the Gate of the Sunderer.
The Year of Explorers 1202 – Cartographers commissioned by Mundus draw the first maps of Sundren. Houses Hellstrom and Lacroix join Mundus in his expedition to the valley and eventually settle alongside him and his group.
The Year of Bones 1207 – Mundus’s expedition is attacked by gnolls from Viridale Forest.
The Year of Scourging 1215 – Mundus’s forces decimate the gnoll camps in Sundren and drive them back to Viridale Forest. House Ulsteris is founded after Perin, the Knight of the Wood, saves Faernyth Wildwood from gnolls and warns Mundus’s forces.
The Year of Sorrow 1229 – Mundus perishes and his plans for a government are instituted.
The Year of Advents 1230 – Sundren is made a city-state. The Red Blades are founded. Dissenters found the Veritas Syndicate.
The Year of Vigilance 1232 – Clerics and paladins of Helm come to Sundren.
The Year of Expansion 1240 – Avanthyr and Aquor are colonized. Levi Meriadoc scouts the coast and begins building the Port. He is eventually raised to nobility for his works and retires to a life of grog and wenches. House Meriadoc multiples several times over the next decade.
The Year of Sieges 1246 – The Bloodmaim Orcs begin attacking Sundren. The Mossclaw Alliance is formed in Viridale Forest.
The Year of Silence 1277 – The Battle of Sharahan Hills is fought. The Harbinger of Judgment is slain.

The Year of Tears 1288 – The Battle of Mossdale is fought. Six of seven arbiters are slain, the Steward is killed, and so are his Exarchs.
The Year of Heralds 1303 – Avanthyr and Aquor are razed by Bloodmaim orcs. Aurelianus makes his way into Sundren and aids the healers in developing new medical and healing techniques and is eventually granted a lordship.
The Year of Goliaths 1305 – The chieftain of the Bloodmaim orcs is slain by the harbingers, giving Sundren a limited time of peace.
The Year of Stepping Stones 1315 – Avanthyr and Aquor are completely rebuilt. Brannon Pendraig and his hold settle in Aquor.
The Year of Commerce 1352 – The Exigo Syndicate roots itself in Sundren and establishes camps all over the valley.
The Year of Omens 1360 – The Black Hand of Bane comes to Sundren. The Triumvirate arrives soon after.
The Year of Poise 1371 – Kurz’s Cartel arrives in Sundren and hides in the mountains.
The Year of Wild Magic 1372 – The Dark Advent arrives in Sundren. The Tribe of the Rhemoraz is wiped out by an avalanche in the Cold Climb.
The Year of Lightning Storms 1374 – Genum’s Cube is discovered by a merchant, and handed to the Triumvirate.
The Year of the Bent Blade 1376 – The Lizard War takes place, and Sestra is overrun by Slitherscale. The Corps de Grace is formed from the Corsairs, and helps fight off the lizardfolk forces.
The Year of the Cauldron 1378 – Colibrus becomes a lesser deity. A religion is founded by those who worship the God of Blood, and a hold is built in secret within the Spine north of Aquor.

The Year of the Blazing Hand 1380 – The Death of Kelemvor takes place, leaving Myrkul in power after the Crown of Horns is discovered and used.
The Year of the Starving 1381 – The Second Bloodmaim Wars. The Legion is practically destroyed, and Sestra is overcome by Banite forces.
The Year of the Black Blazon 1382 – Time of the Second Sundering.
The Year of Three Streams Blooded 1384 – The Day of Broken Blades occurs. The Black Hand Citadel falls, the Triad is wiped out to nearly a man and the Left Hands of Mundus are exiled.
The Year of Blue Fire 1385 – Duskfall takes place. The land of Sundren is never the same, and the vampires of Colibrus are reduced to ash. End of previous incarnation of Sundren.
The Year of the Forgiven Foes 1389 – Aquor and Avanthyr gain independence. The Silent Peace is established.
The Year of Deaths Unmourned 1394 – The Blinding of the Gods takes place. Champions of good and evil can no longer sense the evil or good within one’s heart.
The Year of True Omens 1409 – The Advent of the Artificer takes place, and Lantan’s chief artificer flees to Sundren. The colony of Ferracosta vanishes.
The Year of Silent Crickets 1434 – Current year.