
<b>Torm: The True, the True God, The Brave, The Loyal Fury</b>

<b>Symbol:</b> A right hand metal gauntlet held upright, palm open and toward the viewer, or a silver or gray metal shield bearing the open-handed gauntlet device with three black arrows embedded in the shield<br>
<b>Home Plane</b>: Mercuria/Trueheart<br>
<b>Alignment</b>: LG<br>
<b>Portfolio</b>: Duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins<br>
<b>Domains</b>: Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength<br>
<b>Worshipers</b>: Good fighters and warriors, guardians, heroes, knights, loyal courtiers, paladins<br>
<b>Aliases</b>: N/A <br>
<b>Cleric Alignments:</b> LG, NG, LN<br>
<b>Favored Weapon:</b> Duty’s Bond (greatsword) <br>

Torm (TORM) is the patron of paladins and those who face danger for a greater good. In life, Torm was the most faithful of warriors, obeying all the commands of his king regardless of personal danger. Today he is the war arm and champion of Tyr, Lord of Justice, delivering justice to those who are evil, deceitful, and destructive, and acting to keep law, order, and loyalty everywhere. The Loyal Fury is unflinching in his duty and judges his faithful accordingly. He is stern, righteous, and unyielding, yet his heart is filled first and foremost with goodness, and he can be a kind and gentle power when dealing with the young, the weak and faithful friends of all sorts.

Together, Ilmater, Torm, and Tyr are sometimes called the Triad. Torm and Ilmater see themselves serving opposite sides of the same coin and are close allies and friends. Torm and Helm have always been allies, although their followers are often rivals. At Tyr's urging, Torm has begun to cultivate a close relationship with the Red Knight in the hope of drawing her into the fold of justice and away from war for its own sake.

Torm figured significantly in the struggle over the Tablets of Fate during the Time of Troubles. Prior to his battle with Bane, Lord of Strife, Torm discovered a great evil being done in his name by his then-current high priest (named Tenwealth). The followers of Torm had always dominated the religious and political activity of Tantras, but during the time of Torm's Coming, they began to actively persecute all "unbelievers" (in other words, followers of other gods). With the aid of the fallen cleric of Sune named Adon, Torm implicated the chief conspirators and accused them of their crimes.

When the avatar of Bane marched across the Dragonreach to seize the Tablet of Fate hidden in Torm's temple (without the Lord of Duty's knowledge), Torm absorbed the souls of many of his true worshipers, including the heretical leaders of his clergy, and assumed the form of a monstrous lion-headed man. He then battled Bane in a battle of mutual destruction, in the process destroying the besieging Zhentarim navy and creating many dead magic areas.

Because Torm died in service to his own ethos (following orders) and Torm's native plane was the Prime Material itself, he was reinstated by Lord Ao. Soon after, Tyr rewarded his faithful paladin with elevation to lesser power status. In the Year of the Sword, the Lonely Citadel, an isolated tower of massive size that crowned a rocky spire in the remote Ice Mountains north of Citadel Adbar, vanished in a burst of divine radiance and reappeared on the flanks of Mt. Celestia as Torm ascended to the Outer Planes. It now forms the heart of his realm, Trueheart, on the layer of Mercuria.

Torm was also active in the battle against Cyric 10 years after the Time of Troubles. The Lord of Duty assisted Mystra, Oghma, and Mask in dethroning Cyric as Lord of the Dead, although Cyric was not destroyed. Torm's actions have earned him and his followers the undying hatred of Cyric, Prince of Lies.
Torm still frequently stalks the Realms in avatar form, as he did when he was a demipower, battling legendary monsters and evil incarnate. In the liturgy of the Tormish church, it is said that Torm will perish in the final battle of the gods, saving the Realms once and for all from Cyric's madness by his self-sacrifice. <br>

Torm's is one of the most ethically pure of all faiths in that it is devoted to loyalty and obedience. This is not a blind obedience, and a servant working for an evil master is responsible to a higher authority in his loyalty. The Tormish believe that salvation may be found through service, that every failure diminishes the Lord of Duty, and that every success adds to his luster. They strive to maintain law and order and to obey their masters to their utmost power with alert judgment and anticipation. The Tormish stand ever alert against corruption and are expected to strike quickly and hard against any rot in the hearts of mortals. As the sword arm of justice, the Tormish are expected to bring painful, quick deaths to betrayers. They are to question unjust laws by suggesting improvement or alternatives, not additions. Their fourfold duties are to faith, family, masters, and all good fellow beings of Faerûn.

Following the Time of Troubles, the religious hierarchy of Torm's faithful was completely overhauled. Incensed by his followers' persecution of other goodly religions under Tenwealth's misguided direction, Torm has dictated a series of responsibilities and obligations for his followers to atone for their collective failings. These "debts" are collectively referred to as the Penance of Duty, detailed below. Tormtar are required to actively implement and coordinate efforts and actions dictated by the Penance of Duty in addition to following the normal tenets of their faith. Tormtar are required to follow the Penance of Duty without fail, and, at least once every other level, serve in some fashion that helps alleviate one of the debts mentioned in the Penance of Duty. The Penance of Duty is as follows:

Debt of Persecution: To repay their persecution of other religions, the truly faithful must aid other goodly religions in reestablishing themselves.

Debt of Dereliction: To atone for their abdication of duty to guard against strife, the Tormish must expend all possible effort to eliminate any surviving cults of Bane, as well as to oppose all efforts of Cyricists, Xvimists, and the Zhentarim.

Debt of Destruction: Followers of Torm are obliged to relieve the destruction to the magic weave incurred during the Time of Troubles. All dead magic areas are to be reported and repaired. In addition, all permanent results of the magical chaos of the Time of Troubles are to be similarly undone and all wild magic areas reported and eradicated. <br>

Torm often appears as a floating, flying metal gauntlet of gigantic size (up to 12 feet in length) that glows with a white aura and is surrounded from time to time with arcs of lightning. It can point, speak with Torm's voice, carry beings or even quite tiny, fragile items, and smite walls, doors, or creatures. Torm also occasionally manifests as an animated weapon (usually a two-handed sword) or a shield that aids Torm's faithful or causes. <br>

Torm is served by gold and silver dragons, ki-rins, lammasus, pegasi, shedus, watchghosts, xavers, and the Ghost Guard: the souls of the most loyal warriors who ever lived, who live on as einheriar or similar beings who ride pegasi across the sky into battle at Torm's direction. He occasionally manifests his favor as a blinding white diamond set into a door or stone wall, the image of a gauntlet, shield, or sword burned into fabric, or as a pure white rose growing in a castle gate or narrow mountain path.<br>

<b>The Church of Torm:</b>
Torm's popularity is increasing, particularly in the wake of the events of the Time of Troubles. He benefits from an enthusiastic following of worshipers who appreciate his unswerving devotion to serving mortals—unusual for a deity—and a number of fighting orders and paladins who have devoted themselves to the True God. Priests and lay worshipers of Torm together (that is, anyone of his faith) are known as the Tormish. The members of the priesthood are known as Tormtar. Most Tormtar are human males, but both sexes are welcome within the faith—and as the numbers of the elf and dwarf peoples dwindle and they increasingly see the vital need for law and order among human communities to ensure their own survival, people of the Fair Folk and the Stout Folk are embracing the True Faith and the Unbending Way of Torm in ever-greater numbers.

The followers of Torm organize themselves into a three-level hierarchy of worshipers. Length and quality of service and rank are of particular importance to the followers of Torm and form the basis of the hierarchy. Specialty priests, called holy champions, make up 40% of the priesthood and often serve as the leaders of the faith. Clerics, crusaders, and paladins make up 30%, 20%, and 10% of the remaining clergy members, respectively.

The top level of the hierarchy in Torm's faith is comprised of the Tormtar, who are arranged in their own strict hierarchy. The hierarchy among Torm's disciples ascends from the Unproven (novices), to the Andurans (confirmed priests of lower rank), Faithblades, Wardens, Vigilants, Watchful Venturers, Loyans, Enforcers, Guardians, Knights, Vanguardiers, and Champions. These ranks are separate from duty-titles such as (in ascending order): Patrol Captain, Revered Messenger, Doorwarden, Seneschal, Templemaster, High Priest, and Priest Inquisitor (the teachers and internal disciplinarians of the faith).
The second level of the hierarchy of the faith is comprised of the knightly orders dedicated to Torm. Members of these groups serve as the adventuring and warrior branches of Torm's clergy and go on many quests in the service of Torm. The members of this tier are known as the Swords of Torm, and most (if not all) of the Swords are crusaders and paladins in various knightly orders, such as the Order of the Golden Lion, that are allied with the clergy members but not under their direct command.

The third tier of the hierarchy of the faith comprises the lay followers of Torm. Torm's faithful include many warriors and government officials, among others. Following the Time of Troubles, many have made pilgrimages from all over the Realms to the Temple of Torm's Coming in northern Tantras. Torm's followers are expected to make yearly tithes to the local temple of Torm as they are able. In addition, they must follow the general religious tenets of Torm as espoused by his clergy.

Temples of Torm are typically citadels of righteousness and are constructed as impregnable fortresses, often high up on a mountain's flanks where they command an impressive view of the surrounding terrain. Such castles are often built of white granite and radiate a continuous, pure light. Statues of lions and armored knights line the halls, and the badges of knights who fell in the line of duty decorate the walls. <br>

<b>Day-to-Day Activities:</b>
Tormish provide training for, give sanctuary to, and lend support (moneys, gear, mounts, armor, and weaponry) to guardians, orders of paladins and loyal knights, and loyal courtiers across Faerûn-and send forth agents to ferret out corruption in such groups and in all courts and organizations, particularly those who set themselves up as righteous or having a sort of superiority or moral authority. They also watch for impending trouble (from orc hordes and warlike realms, for instance) and young folk who could be recruited into the service of Torm or into positions as loyal warriors or bodyguards. On rare occasions, they act militarily against forces of evil, disloyal citizens readying coup attempts, and thieving or outlaw organizations.

A few adventuring Tormtar are permitted more leeway in their personal deeds than other clergy of the faith, but in return for this personal discretion as to their activities, they are pledges to tithe heavily (60% or more, plus payment for magical aid) to the church and to observe and report back on all they can of regions, beasts, and concerns their brethren seldom see so that the church of Torm can know Faerûn as well as possible (despite the static demands of guardianship). Torm himself often speaks to his clergy members to provide guidance and to reassure doubtful priests that a fellow Tormtar who is an adventurer is allowed to act thus and so in Torm's full favor (or that Torm is displeased and the following penance should be placed on the individual).
While the gods Helm and Torm may be on good terms, their priesthoods are not. The two faiths have long been engaged in a rivalry, and its friendliness has been waning over the years, particularly since the Time of Troubles. Tormtar now keep a close eye on all faithful of Helm they encounter, anticipating betrayal at any time. <br>

<b>Holy Days/Important Ceremonies:</b>
During the year, the Tormish celebrate two great festivals (and on some years, three): the Divine Death on the 13th of Eleasias (commemorating Torm's death in battle just north of Tantras during the Time of Troubles, when he and Bane destroyed each other), the True Resurrection on the 15th of Marpenoth (when Torm returned to his powers, at the end of the Godswar), and the Shieldmeet.
The Divine Death is a solemn ceremony of remembrance for all the fallen who died for just causes, while guarding others, or in the holy service of Torm. After prayers and a huge feast, Tormtar go at dusk to the graves or battle sites where departed ones dear to them fell or now lie, light special candles, and pray through the night, recounting the deeds of the fallen to Torm so that none who fell may truly be forgotten. Torm often sends comforting dream visions to Tormtar on this night-but it is said among the faithful that if one sees Torm's death in a vision; it means that person's death in his service in the coming year.

The True Resurrection celebrates Torm's rise anew to power and is a joyous feast and revel where laws are set aside just for this one day and night so that Tormtar can stray from their principles of law and order once a year. Most use this opportunity merely to shock others by speaking freely or by enjoying sensual pleasures with their fellow Tormtar-but a few every year employ it to bring vengeance down on someone. (For example, a noble protected against all physical punishment by the laws of a realm but who ordered others mutilated might himself be mutilated on the night of the Resurrection.) Torm traditionally sends inspiring visions into the dreams of all his faithful in the sleep that follows this festival-and grants the Loyal Boon to a few, as a mark of his appreciation for their outstanding service: A new prayer is placed in their minds, granting them once chance to cast a new spell they would otherwise not be able to cast until they rose in experience by another level.
Shieldmeet celebrations are rituals expressing loyalty and renewing oaths and pledges. Tormtar prefer to marry, perform marriages, and finalize apprenticeship or training agreements on this day.

Throughout the year, faithful of Torm are expected to pray to the True God at least four times per day: at noon, dusk, midnight, and dawn. Prayers to Torm are uttered in a prescribed litany, which sounds like a rolling chant, and ask for guidance from the Lord of Duty, Loyalty, and Obedience. Since the Time of Troubles, the Penance of Duty has been included as part of the litany. To these rituals and prayers are added special prayers said when a follower of Torm needs extra inner strength to follow orders, to do a necessary but unpleasant task, or to support an ally or friend.

The faithful of Torm need practice only three special rituals: Torm's Table, Investiture, and Holy Vigil. Torm's Table must be observed at least once every two months. To perform this ritual, a Tormtar purchases or prepares a grand meal and then turns it over to a stranger (usually a beggar or citizen in need) to consume while they fast, waiting on the table. Within three days after the feast is done, the priest must confess any personal sins, failings, or shortcomings to another Tormtar priest and report on his doings to a superior.
Investiture is the solemn ceremony wherein a novice becomes a priest or priestess. It is the duty of every Tormish priest or holy warrior within a day's ride of the announced place of ritual to attend. The supplicant (only one priest is invested at each ceremony) prepares beforehand by rolling in mud or dust and then donning the oldest, filthiest clothes they can find or beg for. Thus attired, she or he fasts for a day and then in the evening (after the gathered priests have feasted) is brought in to the temple and washed clean with water by the visiting Tormtar. The supplicant is formally introduced to the presiding priest and accepted into the service of Torm-provided she or he passes the Holy Vigil. All the clergy then join in a hymn of hope, and withdraw, leaving the supplicant locked in the temple sanctuary alone to complete the Holy Vigil.

The Holy Vigil is repeated every time an individual advances in rank within the priesthood. Before departing, the presiding priest solemnly raises a naked bastard sword from the altar and casts it up into the air. By the grace of Torm (and a secret spell cast beforehand), the blade rises up and moves to hand a man's height above the supplicant's head, point downward. The more the supplicant gives in to fear or slumber or dwells on any doubts about his or her faith in Torm, the lower the sword slips. Though such swords move slowly enough that they rarely seriously injure when they touch the priest below them, the magic is broken if the sword draws blood, and the shame of being found with a fallen sword the next morning is extreme. If a Vigil is thus failed, the presiding priest prays to Torm for guidance and follows the True God's dictates: the Vigil may be repeated on the next night, or the failed one may be cast out of the church or charged with a penance or quest. <br>

<b>Major Centers of Worship:</b>
The Temple of Torm's Coming in Tantras, where Torm appeared during the Time of Troubles, is a scarred and severe battle-fortress frowning down over its white granite walls (and extensive granary cellars below the ground) on the city below. The temple stands hard against the inside of the north wall of the city atop the city's highest hill. Here High Priest Barriltar Bhandraddon leads a wealthy and ever-growing group of clergy members and congregation in the worship of Torm. Barriltar's temple sponsors knightly orders Faerûnwide and spreads the values of obedience and loyalty to all who will listen-and in crowded urban areas, such folk who dream of freedom from lawlessness, thievery, and rowdiness are many.

Temples of Torm may also be found in Eagle Peak (the Citadel of the Rampant Eagle) and Procampur (the House of the Hand) and within temples of Tyr (such as the Halls of Justice in both Neverwinter and Sundabar), among other places. Shrines to Torm are located in Hillsfar, Ravens Bluff, Scornubel, and Urmlaspyr, among other cities. <br>

<b>Affiliated Orders:</b>
Following Torm's rebirth, the church founded a new order of paladins, known as the Order of the Golden Lion, to serve as holy warriors of Torm. Led by First Champion of Torm Sir Dylan Lionshand, these holy warriors are especially dedicated to actively serving the Penance of Duty, and they wander the Realms in Torm's service. (For example, the Champion Reborn, Sir Gwydion the Quick, serves Torm by escorting Rinda the scribe who bears the Cyrinishad.) Many members of the Order of the Golden Lion are found guarding the temples of a wide variety of peaceful faiths, while others embark on quests to recover lost relics of various goodly gods. Failure to actively serve the letter and the spirit of the Penance of Duty by any member of this order results in the loss of paladinhood, reclaimable only through the casting of an atonement spell and the completion of a difficult quest in the service of Torm set according to the goals of the Penance of Duty.

Knights of the Order of the Golden Lion cannot advance in level without serving in some fashion that helps alleviate one of the debts mentioned in the Penance of Duty. Torm rewards this faithful devotion from time to time by bequeathing a minor quest spell known as the lion's roar, equivalent in effect to a great shout (as the 8th-level wizard spell with all the attendant penalties). The ceremonial costume of the Order of the Golden Lion is the same in the field as in the temple-a full suit of well-polished battle armor with an ornate helm. The armor polish used is a bright golden color. <br>

<b>Priestly Vestments:</b>
Priests of Torm wear clean, bright, smooth-polished plate armor (or robes, a breastplate, and bracers), ornate helms, and gauntlets inscribed with the Penance of Duty. The hue of the armor (or robes) denotes the rank of the wearer: Unadorned metal is for the Unproven, dark crimson is for Andurans, rose red is for Faithblades, deep amber is for Wardens, sunrise orange is for Vigilants, harvest yellow is for Watchful Venturers, pale green is for Loyans, dragon green (bottle green) is for Enforcers, sky blue is for Guardians, and dusky purple is for Champions, the most holy priests of the faith, as well as the greatest heroes of Torm. <br>

<b>Adventuring Garb:</b>
In potential combat situations, Tormtar always wear their best armor and weaponry. They are expected to keep their armor clean and brightly polished even in the worst conditions, except where such activities would interfere with the execution of their duty. <br>

Last updated byDispater