
<i>Queen of the Depths, The Bitch Queen</i><br>

<b>Symbol</b>: Two white-crested, beryl-colored waves clapping violently together<br>
<b>Home Plane</b>: The Deep Wilds<br>
<b>Alignment</b>: CE<br>
<b>Portfolio</b>: Currents, Oceans, Sea Winds (including the sky above the ocean), Waves<br>
<b>Domains</b>: Destruction, Evil, Water, Chaos<br>
<b>Worshipers</b>: Coastal dwellers, sailors, sentient sea creatures, weresharks<br>
<b>Aliases</b>: N/A <br>
<b>Cleric Alignments</b>: NE, CE, CN <br>
<b>Favored Weapon</b>: Drowning Death (Trident)<br>

Last updated byDispater