Level: Druid 2, Sor/Wiz 2<br>
School: Necromancy<br>
Components: V,S<br>
Casting Time: 1<br>
Range: Touch<br>
Duration: Instant<br>
Saving Throw: Fort for half<br>
Spell Resist: Yes<br>
<i>A recent raid on a suspected Cyricist safe house in Sundren turned up 20 of these scrolls packaged for shipment. Curiously only 15 were reported as being burned… </i><br>
You lay your hand upon a creature and deal 1d6 points of damage +1 per caster level.(Maximum +10) In addition if you have the sneak attack ability you deal sneak attack damage to the subject as well. Unlike a normal sneak attack, the target need not be flanked or denied its dexterity bonus. Normal immunities to sneak attack are still respected.<br>