Black Hand

Bane has only recently taken an interest in Sundren and why is still yet to be known. The immediate appearance of the Triumvirate following the appearance of banites though has led many to believe that these shadowy agents of the great tyrant are heralds of terrible things to come.

Typical Member Traits:
<li> LE alignment</li>
<li> Egotistical and authoritative</li>
<li> Seeks to use strategy, fear, subterfuge, and politics to win a situation; resorts to violence if necessary</li>

The origins of <a href="">Bane</a> speak for themselves. However, the somewhat recent arrival of the Banite clergy is mysterious in nature to most common people. No one quite understands why the Banites have come to Sundren, but they have felt and seen the results of their tyrannic designs. All throughout Sundren's history since their arrival have been attacks and signs of their presence, ones that have cowed the people time and time again.

<h3>Base(s) of Operations</h3>

<h3>Leadership/People of Note</h3>
High Imperceptor Elric Blackhand, Grand Leader of Bane's Presence in Sundren Imperceptor Markus
Lord of the Hand Lord Gen'Deimos, warlord, overseer of armies
Lord of the Black Advance Ditus Ill'Koresh
Lady of the Black Advance Mestra Ill'Koresh


Novices of Bane's clergy were addressed as "slave", but if named by Bane from a speaking altar or in a dream vision, they became full priests of the god and granted the title of Watchful Brother / Watchful Sister. From there they ascended through the rankings.

Deeper Mystery<br>
Deep Mystery<br>
Higher Doom<br>
Dark Doom<br>
Masked Death<br>
Vigilant Talon<br>
Striking Hand<br>
Black Fang<br>
Hooded Menace<br>
Willing Whip<br>
Trusted Servant<br>
Deadly Adept<br>
Watchful Brother / Watchful Sister<br>

The "Deeper Mystery" title was a general one held by all clergy members of 12th level and greater (in Sundren only DMs can promote a PC into Deep Mystery, all other ranks are gained from reputation, not levels). A priest of this rank addressed fellow clergy members of higher ranks as "Deeper Mystery" (not to do so was regarded as a deliberate insult). Known individual titles among the Banites of Deeper Mysteries included:

Lord / Lady of Mysteries<br>
Lord / Lady of the Hand<br>
Dark Imperceptor<br>
Grand Bloodletter<br>
High Inquisitor<br>
High Imperceptor<br>

All except the last title were self-bestowed, but such self-given titles had to be confirmed and used upon the bestower by a higher ranking priest before they were formally recognized.

Banites addressed each other only by title unless the mix of individuals present would cause confusion without the addition of a surname. Banite clergy bowed, knelt to, or kissed the boots of superiors, depending on the difference in their ranks – and what they would be ordered to do. When in the presence of non worshipers of Bane, Banite clergy addressed each other as "Brother / Sister Faithful" unless speaking to a superior of considerably greater rank, whereupon "Dread Brother / Sister" would be used.

<h3>Initiation Process</h3>

<h3>Rituals/Ceremonies of Note</h3>

<h3>Timeline/Historical Events of Note</h3>

<h3>Miscellaneous Information</h3>

The Knights of the Black Gauntlet are the military order of cavaliers and holy knights dedicated to Bane. The Knights work as guards for holy sites of Bane, as well as leading the armies of the numerous military campaigns the church of Bane undertakes.

The faith of Bane makes regular use of undead, either provided by the clergy or the wizards that follow The Tyrant Lord.

Last updated byAnonymous