Caine, Soloman

<b>Name</b>:<a href="">Caine, Soloman</a>

<b>Title(s)</b>: Hand of Mundus.

<b>Home/Location</b>: Soloman hails from Waterdeep.

<b>Birthplace</b>: Waterdeep

<b>Age</b>: 22.

<b>Race</b>: Human

<b>Gender</b>: Male

<b>Deity</b>: Velsharoon

<b>Alignment</b>: NE

<b>Summary</b>: Soloman Caine starte life training to be a knight, as his father and his grandfather had been. He trained long and hard, always trying to curry the favor of his father and mother. However, he had a dark secret…he loved magic, wizardry, especially dealings in necromancy and the undead. Soloman would travel throughout the city searching for old tomes and talking to wizards, sorcerers, and conjurors, sharing information, books, lore, and ingredients. Slowly, Soloman began to understand his magic talents and began to delve deeper into the necromantic arts, bringing to life animals that he had killed and once, almost bringing to life a criminal who had been hung; he was almost caught doing that.

Soloman's partents finally began to see a difference in his appearance and attitude. Soloman frequented the training yard less frequently and began to stay up very late and sleep even later. He became a creature of the night and spoke with people that most would avoid. One night, Soloman was working in a part of the basement of their mansion that was rarely used and he did something he had not been able to do before, he summoned an undead creature. The creature, detecting the weakness in Soloman, set upon him, almost killing him. If his father had not heard the noise coming from the basement and slain the undead creature, Soloman surely would have perished. Two things happened that night – Soloman was cursed with premature silver/gray hair, and his parents banned him from their presence and Waterdeep.

Thus, Soloman embarked on his quest for knowledge and power. He had heard of the Hands of Mundus through contacts in Waterdeep and decided to travel to Sundren and see if they held the knowledge and power he craved.

<b>Significant Relationships</b>:

<b>Miscellaneous Information</b>: Soloman is tall and thin, will silver/gray hair.

Last updated byAnonymous