<h3>Tirania Cende'lyn</h3>
<b>Player:</b> AsuraKing
<b>Birthplace:</b> Village outside Zhentil Keep
<b>Race:</b> Wood elf
<b>Gender:</b> Female
<b>Patron Deity:</b> Bane
<b>Class:</b> Rogue
<b>Age:</b> 121
<b>Alignment:</b> NE
Tirania is a strange elf, she always has bags under her eyes (which is strange for a race that never sleeps). Also she always seems to be talking to herself, sometimes in a strange babble that sounds like gibberish. And if that wasn't strange enough, she seems to be extremely bipolar, being cheerful and playful one moment and angry and violent the next.
Born clearly with some form of mental problem, Tirania seems to almost be two people in one yet both sides of her are clearly aware of any action she makes. Many people dont usually see both sides of her though, for one side (the more violant and angry) only shows herself when in danger or when aggravated. While the other side (the cheerful and playful, in a psychotic way) one is the more publicly shown side.
Raised in a small village to the north around Zhentil Keep, the powers of Bane have always had a large influence on her life. Her father, a trained assassin, never was around her family much but she took a liking to his work anyway. Eventually her father, a member of the Black Hand, eventually got her training in stealth so that one day she too could become an assassin. After a few months of training her commanding officer sent her on a mission to Sundren to join any Black Hand operatives there if a group does exist, and if not to start a group herself.