
Sundren is as diverse as it is rich in resources. From coal, to iron, to gold, all forms of minerals can be extracted from the tall, snow capped mountains in the north. Lush forests house deer, boar and other animals to hunt for food. Lakes and the neighboring sea to the west provide more fish than the inhabitants can consume. While the majority of the land is covered in rolling hills and plains, sequestered away in the many regions of the valley are areas both magical and wondrous.

Sundren City

The heart of Sundren is none other than the capital city. It is here, within the protective sphere of the Sundarian Legion, that markets flourish and the people roam freely.
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Aquor is a city-state north of the capital that houses a growing population of tradesmen and luxury crafters. As the home of the Silent Peace, it’s a nexus for trade within the valley.
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Port Avanthyr

The port city-state of Avanthyr is a site of commerce and trade within the valley. Goods are shipped daily through a dangerous route known only to Sundarian mariners from here to nations all over Faerun.
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Sestra is a growing city-state near Sundren’s central coast. Unlike its sister settlements, Sestra was founded within recent years for the sole purpose of allowing new commoners locations outside of the capital’s walls to settle in. Taken over by the Black Hand in the past, it has forged its own path forward.
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Bristlebeard’s Hollow

Dwarven warriors and smiths, hidden high upon the Spine, this dwarven clan has a long and storied history within Sundren’s borders.
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