Level: Wiz/Sor 2, Clr 2<br>
School: Evocation <a href="Darkness,">Evil</a><br>
Components: V,S<br>
Casting Time: 1 Action<br>
Range: Close<br>
Target: 1 Creature<br>
Duration: Instant<br>
Save: Fort Partial<br>
Spell Resist: Yes<br>
<i>One of the few spells to make it out of the collapse of the town of Crownshead, it had remained hidden by adventurers.. till now</i><br>
The caster makes a ranged touch attack against a foe, launching a bolt of cold darkness from his left hand. The bolt deals 1d8 damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8). Half the damage is cold, the other half is magical. When struck the foe must succeed at a fort test or be stunned for 1 round, overwhelmed by the evil charge of the darkbolt.<br>