Druid Domain Abilities


Water Jet 


As a standard action, you can shoot a jet of water from your hands as a ranged touch attack that deals 1d8 + Druid level damage. If the attack succeeds, the target must make a reflex save or be knocked down. This ability has a one-minute cooldown.



As a standard action, you may summon a jagged icicle spear and hurl it towards your target. This spear of ice deals 1d6 damage for every two levels of Druid. This ability has a one-minute cooldown.

Heat Shimmer


As a standard action, you may summon the shimmering heat of the deep desert. You gain 20% concealment and attackers are dazzled for 1 round on a successful hit. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Druid level and has a three-minute cooldown.



At 1st level, you gain sneak attack +1d6. This sneak attack damage increases by +1d6 for every 5 druid levels you possess, to a maximum of +4d6 at 16th level.

Thin Air


((DUE TO BUGS, THIS FEATURE IS BEING REWORKED)) As a free action you can surround yourself with a 5-foot aura of supernaturally thin air that draws the breath from creatures adjacent to you. Creatures beginning their turn in the aura are fatigued (Fortitude negates). A fatigued creature that begins its turn in the aura must save or suffer from altitude sickness, taking 1 point of ability damage to all ability scores. At 16th level, the aura increases to 10 feet. Creatures that do not breathe are immune to this aura. This aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your Druid level, and has a three-minute cooldown.

Lightning Arc


As a standard action, you may summon a wild arc of lightning and hurl it towards your target. This bolt of lightning deals 1d6 damage for every two levels of Druid. This ability has a one-minute cooldown.

Fire Hardened


Druids with this domain gain permanent fire resistance. At first level this is 5/-, at 9th level it becomes 10/-, at 15th level it beccomes 15/-, and finally at the 20th level it becomes full immunity. Additionally, once per day the druid may grant this resistance to an ally for one hour.

Acid Dart


As a standard action, you can unleash an acid dart targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This acid dart deals 1d6 points of acid damage for each Druid level you possess. This ability has a 1-minute cooldown.

Hydraulic Spray 


As a standard action, you can shoot forth a pressurized spray of water towards an enemy. This deals 1d4 damage per two Druid levels, and the target must make a knockdown check or be knocked prone. This has a one-minute cooldown.

Last updated byDispater