Level: Sorc/ Wiz 1<br>
School: Abjuration <br>
Components : V<br>
Casting Time: 1 Action<br>
Range: Touch<br>
Target: Creature Touched<br>
Duration: 1 hour / level<br>
Meta Magic: Still, Silent, Extend, Quicken, Persist<br>
<i>With a final word, a shimmering translucent slime appears around the target and fits its form like a suit of plate.</i><br>
The subject of the spell gains a +5 armor bonus to AC, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every 4 caster levels you have (maximum +9 at 20th level). This armor bonus only applies against spirits. All other creatures ignore this bonus.
~~(Sprits are defined as Incorperal Undead, Fey, and Elementals)<br>