
Recently, the entire town of Sestra was overrun by a reptile army. Thousands of naga, lizardmen, and yuan-ti were united under the banner of The Chosen and his trusted servant The Voice.
The yuan-ti planted corrupted zinc crystals in the caves to influence the minds of their lizardmen allies. The Slitherscale slowly became hateful and warlike.
Sestra was under reptile control for roughly four months. The refugees fled to nearby Mirakus Post, where they settled in a tent city known as the Wart.
The Legion and others tried many strategies to take the city back, but had little success with frontal assaults. Instead, they reversed the corruptible affect on the crystals in secret. This reversal slowly restored the lizardmen to a normal mentality, causing a riff in the reptile army.
For unknown reasons, the reptiles decided to bliztkreig Mirakus. The reptiles plowed through the post just as the refugees were evacuated to Aquor. But the reptiles did not stop–the reversed course and headed to Port Avathyr.
Port Avanthyr

The Port was more heavily guarded, but completely unaware. Adventurers followed behind as reinforcements, but the Port had all but fallen by the time they arrived. The adventurers joined the final outpost of Legion at the Western Gate of Port Avathyr in what would become a famous event.
The Champions of West Gate made their final stand, using the narrows of the gate to eliminate reptile advantage. Infuriated, the Chosen was taunted out of the army ranks, where he sought to empower his army by slaying all remaining opposition. The Chosen was nearly killed in the attack, but managed to recover and slay the remaining opposition.
However, the delay caused by the heroes at West Gate was enough time for reinforcements to arrive from the east. With their leader at the western gate, the reptile army was flanked and routed. The army was soundly defeated. In return for their selflessness and bravery, a monument was erected to the Champions of Westgate for their heroism.