<b>Name:</b> Pebble Axewhistle<br>
<b>Title(s):</b> Skullcleaver<br>
<b>Home/Location:</b> The Great Rift<br>
<b>Race:</b> Gold Dwarf<br>
<b>Gender:</b> Male<br>
<b>Deity:</b> Haela Brightaxe<br>
<b>Alignment:</b> CG<br>
Born a mute communication with Axewhistle can be challenging at times, but he maintains a pleasant attitude through his frustrations. Being unable to speak Axewhistle started to use whistling to communicate and found that through concentration he was able to invoke certain arcane spells. After developing his skills as a bard Axewhistle set out from the Great Rift to explore the world.
Throughout his travels Axewhistle met many people of different races and occupations. Since he could not speak he studied each very carefully in the use of their equipment and spells so that he might be able to use them in the right situation. Through his ability to use many different abilities Axewhistle was able to help many people in need though few ever grasped the charades of his name. Which is why few know his name and even fewer know his first.
Along his travels Axewhistle heard tale of a band of dwarves who were forming up brigade in a coastal town south of the Spine of the World. Hearing good world of their exploits Axewhistle set out to find a way to reach his brother. Finally finding a ship that would take him to Sundren.