Exigo Trading Post

The trading post forms a hub for the commercial activities of the Exigo within Sundren. Not only is it a place where appropriately licensed merchants can operate, but it also serves as a transit point for goods from the Syndicate’s farming and resource extraction operations. The post is usually busy with the activities of merchants, farmers, and a myriad of others who either supply or purchase from this large and diverse organisation.
Exigo Expedition Camp

When the Exigo Syndicate arrived in Sundren, they came seeking the newly discovered ore Sundrite. Thus, their first base of operations was built within an area rich with it, the Spine of the World.
Gate of the Sunderer

When Mundus first discovered Sundren there was no land passage into it, the valley was sealed off by a solid ring of mountains. For four years he tried to discover one but met with no success. The solution decided upon was to break down one of the mountains, and a group of red wizards were hired to make a passage with the raw power of magic. The mountain was broken, the act of Sundering the ranges made all that came after possible and gave the land, and this gate, their names. The gate of the Sunderer is a testament to this act, set within the passage created by the Red Wizards. The gate is vital to Sundren, being the only land access that does not require scaling the treacherous ranges which circle the land.
Mirakus Post

This long-standing outpost doesn’t see much action, it was built to serve as a defense for the western region of Sundren. Due to many natural barriers though, it is considered nearly impossible to even reach the outpost from the coast, making any kind of invasion outside of Sundren from this region a joke. The Post’s commander is Talin Fenris; a low ranking but loyal member of the Red Blades. A Red Blades Guild hall is located here, the only other existing in Sundren City. It is here that many Red Blade members seek to train and hone their skills in the tranquil surroundings of the Post. Additionally, the presence of the Red Blades there is a further deterrent for any kind of attack on the post.
During its hundred year standing in the region, Mirakus Post has only been attacked once by the Mossclaw Alliance from Viridale. The orcs were slaughtered in the foolish and uncoordinated effort and their losses were so heavy that they were nearly completely wiped out.
However, in recent times the Post was attacked and taken over by Banite allied forces. They struck suddenly, and with little warning, decimating the once peaceful stand. However, a small group of adventurers aided by the Warden of Wrath, Dain Tornbrook, took back the fort under the dead of night. They fought through a veritable horde of enemies and the Warden’s blade purified the area, preventing the dead from raising again.

In this vast memorial, the remains of nearly five generations of Sundarians are housed. A group of necromancer cultists identifying themselves “The Dark Advent” had taken up residence upon the once holy ground, until they were replaced by the cultists of Myrkul. Now the Polis is overrun with Myrkul priests and undead, serving just as dangerous a threat (if not more so) than the Advent.
Privateer’s Fort

The Privateers are a gang of bandits, brigands, and outlaws, their presence a never-ending thorn in the side of the law. Traveling merchants and refugees are their preferred prey but any travel outside of patrolled highways is a dangerous prospect thanks to them. Only loosely organized, their leadership congregate at a hidden fort deep in the Sharahan Woods.
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Sharahan Hills

These goblin infested hills are believed to be rich with Mithral and Iron. The Spittlefist tribe, unaware of this originally fled from the Mossdale Forest and settled here. With them, they took their inherent tendencies and have begun looting and pillaging nearby farmsteads. Both the militia and the Exigo Synidcate would pay well to see this area purged. Over the past sixty years, the area around the hills has overgrown and become more dangerous. Not only the Privateer’s have spread across the massive woods, the Grimaxe of the Viridale struck out from their hold in the woods and now have an even larger and more dangerous lair within. The horns of the Grimaxe are a constant terror along the Tradeways…
Viridale Forest

While not as treacherous as its sister forest, Mossdale, the Viridale forest houses the Mossclaw alliance that similarly plague the guardsmen defending the edges. Beyond the brutes though, it’s believed that far more deadly creatures reign in the deepest regions of this secluded forest. Rumor has it that vampires stalk the forest at night, catching their victims unawares.
Wending Weald

Nestled in the foothills of the Spine of the World east of Aquor, this secluded glade is said to be blessed by both Eldath and Shaundakul. Only those with peace in their hearts are able to traverse the secret route that leads into the Wending Weald; many an ambitious adventurer and avaricious merchant has sought to explore the Weald for their own selfish desires but none have found success.
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