
Port Avanthyr is the main shipping area for most of Sundren’s ocean-bound goods. Its coast is somewhat easier to navigate than other parts of the Sundarian coastline; most ships from places such as Neverwinter and beyond decide to make their berth here. The Port is also the main entrance point for many adventurers who decide to come to Sundren.

Since House Meriadoc founded the original port, they have had a majority of the controlling interest in the Port’s activities over the years. They patrol the waters and command a large fleet, constantly on the watch for pirate activity. The Temple of Umberlee also makes its home within the town, a tribute to the Bitch Queen and her ilk. While Umberlee is indeed a goddess of wrath and a terrible one, the sailoring community always sees fit to offer some sort of compensation and tribute to her in order to prevent storms and tragedy at sea.
Following the Emperor’s announcement of the Silence Peace and Avanthyr’s declaration of independence, the Legion withdrew its troops and the Meriadoc family took control of the Port’s civil governance and security, the latter made possible through partnership with the Northern Watch in conjunction with the Avanthyr militia. Founded by Esmond Aurelianus, the Watch supplemented the Port’s newly minted militia to keep peace within the city while safeguarding its borders.
Having seen an unprecedented expansion of the city under Evelyn’s rule, Everett Meriadoc now turns his gaze inward to address the mounting problems of crime and overpopulation. To support the city’s burgeoning growth, Everett has undertaken several large infrastructure projects including an expansion of the city’s aqueduct system, road repair, and dock maintenance.
Because of the rumors circling his own parentage, Everett is desperate to produce a legitimate heir of his own. His current wife, Lady Tyrene, has proven barren. Whispers at court suggest he may soon set her aside in favor of wooing Camarine of House Lachlam.

After the declaration of the Silent Peace, a meeting was called among the Port’s various leaders and stakeholders, including the two noble families of Aurelianus and Meridoc, temple representatives, and prominent merchants. Having no desire to reinstate the Arbiters’ system of government yet not wishing to relinquish their power as the city’s founders, the Meriadocs now guide Avanthyr’s future ruling as heads of state, supported by the Council of Ten, Supreme Tribunal, and General Assembly – a mixed government combining monarchy/aristocracy and democracy.
Duke Everett Meriadoc

The Duke serves as Avanthyr’s head of state and chief executive and passed down the Meriadoc family tree. Starting with the first Duke of Avanthyr, Nicantor Meriadoc, the role is inherited through birth – though it may also be bequeathed to the most able family member if one’s direct descendant is unqualified or unwilling to serve. While the office comes with considerable power, the Duke is fully subject to prosecution to the fullest extent of city laws.
The Council of Ten
The Council of Ten is the central political body of the Port whose members are voted in from the General Assembly (after a minimum 1 year of service), serving limited terms of 2 years. Former Councilmen may be voted in again but not consecutively. The Council was given authority over public finance and improvements, military action, and lawmaking. While the Duke has the right to veto over Council actions, the Council in turn has the power to investigate and even remove the Duke from power (to be replaced by another Meriadoc) if sufficient evidence of dereliction is presented to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly
The General Assembly represents the common people and other Port stakeholders (currently between 50-60 members). Yearly elections are held among the citizens, and most Representatives are prominent merchants, respected clergy, public servants, and other local leaders. Campaigning for this office is forbidden, and indeed, one can be elected to the Assembly without running for office at all – at which point it is a citizen’s patriotic duty to serve. Anyone currently living within the Port (for at least one year) can participate in this process.
The Supreme Tribunal
In order to ensure such powers are not abused by any government body, the Supreme Tribunal was formed five years after the declaration of independence. Three state inquisitors – one selected from the Duke’s advisers, two from the Council of Ten – are employed to regulate the governmental powers, preventing any group from gaining too much power.
– Argus Stillwater, “The Crow,” a former pirate captain and advisor to Duke Everett Meriadoc
– Vigo Hilltower, a merchant with strong family ties to the port and a Member of the Council of Ten
– Pryat Tarone Val’Tess of the Church of Helm, Member of the Council of Ten
Places of Interest

Palace of the Duke, The Great Hall of Assembly (City Hall), Northern Watch Headquarters, Temple of Helm, Temple of Umberlee, Stouthammer’s Brews, Lighthouse
Prominent Residents/Organizations

House Meriadoc
The Northern Watch
The Eboncoin Pact

Population Approximate: 17,000
Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains, Ocean
Appearance: Attractive
Hygiene: -1 (Port town, not naturally healthy environs)
Normal Magic (Common Enchantment, due to the Port’s goods)
Culture and Economy

Language: Common
Literacy: Accented
Wealth: Comfortable
Status: -2 to 6 (Slave to Major Nobility)
Political Environment

Government: Republic/Aristocracy
Ruling party: House Meriadoc/Council of Ten/General Assembly

Major Imports: Armaments, Commodities, Grain, Wool, Salt, Sugar, Dyes, Silks
Major Exports: Furs, Hides, Magical Items, Lumber, Slave Labor, Crafted Goods
Economic Analysis

Avanthyr’s ports are open to trade and its waters are patrolled by its navy, which has significantly grown since its independence. This has attracted the attentions of various other nations, and trade ships frequently make harbor. In particular, Sembia has been keen on developing strong sea ties with Avanthyr. Like the other cities (with the exception of Sundren) Avanthyr’s population and trade has grown considerably. They are a much wealthier town than they had been in the past and are now the second most populous state, though still well behind Sundren City. This has been a blessing and a curse as there are issues with disease and over-population in some areas. Still, while not as militarily powerful as Sestra, or as large an economy as Sundren it holds a powerful seat amongst it’s peers in the valley and is generally prospering.
It’s imports are in high demand within the country as a whole, and Avanthyr faces significant trade competition from Sestra. While their access to the international waters are not as widespread as Avanthyr’s, they’ve been creeping up to the Port’s productivity levels. A good deal of corporate espionage exists between the two port cities, each trying their best to undermine and to steal trade from the other.

Military Strength: Unlike in the past, Avanthyr has nurtured a small but potent military land force, in addition to its warships. The Northern Watch‘s calvary acts as a support to the Port’s own Corpsman, and they are a feared, but small, fighting force.
Range of Territory: Avanthyr’s territory has expanded less so around its external borders than it has the waters around it. While before the Avanthyr warships could not deal with whatever intrusions might take place in whole, and had to deal with issues as they arose, the navy now has almost complete mastery over its trade routes in and out of Sundren waters. Avanthyr’s placement, in addition to its city defenses, allow it to continue without much need for lands inside the country proper.
Current Problems: Beyond the general health of the Port, Avanthyr’s competition with Sestra has been slowly boiling for the last ten years or so. War hasn’t broken out, but tensions are strained.
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