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<b>Full Name:</b> Rena Melissa Rose<br>
<b>Title:</b> Touched Priestess of Selûne<br>
<b>Aliases:</b> None<br>
<b>Home/Location:</b> Four Lanterns<br>
<b>Birthplace:</b> Waterdeep<br>
<b>Age:</b> 20<br>
<b>Race:</b> Lightfoot Halfling<br>
<b>Gender:</b> Female<br>
<b>Deity:</b> Selûne<br>
<b>Alignment:</b> Chaotic Good<br>
Rena is a highly energetic but tiny halfling. By most standards, she is beautiful, though she often hides it under hats and simple clothes. Her hair has a particular shine to it, evidence of careful grooming, and her eyes have a certain glint of intelligence in them. Her build is leanly muscled, despite her small size.
When Rena speaks, it is with a very casual accent. Many words she doesn't bother to pronounce correctly, even though she could if she wanted to. Combined with her high pitched voice, she sounds much like a child, but she is often angered by being referred to as such.
Rena's moods vary widely. Most of the time, she is happy, either chatting with friends or reading books. She can boil to anger quickly if provoked, though she rarely acts on it. When she is sad, she most often chooses to hide in books or combat, places where she can let her spirit fly free of her circumstances.
Rena was born in the city of Waterdeep. Her father had left her mother even before she was born, and then her mother died in childbirth, but not before giving her a name. That would have been the end of the story had the Selunite priestesses at the temple not decided to take her in. She was raised by the church, and as soon as she was old enough, she became one of the Called, a priestess in training. She had a few duties, but she had as much free time. Still, she did not waste much of it, instead choosing to study the many books in their library. Some were filled with history, lore, and others were carefully documented ceremonies and rituals. She eventually widened her knowledge of language so she could read even more.
This environment denied Rena of any sort of childhood. She had time for games, but she chose to focus on her studies as a priestess. She rose to the lowest rank, Touched, very quickly. The more experienced priestesses were uncertain of the wisdom in letting a mere child become a full priestess, but they could not deny her devotion either. By the time she was an adult, she was a Moonbathed Priestess. It was around that time that Elusa, Druidess of Selûne, came to visit Waterdeep for the Conjuring of the Second Moon.
Rena and Elusa's time in Waterdeep together was short lived, but they shared much in that time. Rena had passion and knowledge of Selûne that Elusa had never before seen, and they grew close in those few days. When the time for the ceremony came, Rena even assisted helping Elusa put on the ceremonial dress, though it embarrassed her deeply. When the time came for Elusa to leave, she did so reluctantly, for she feared not get to enjoy such company for a long time.
Two months later, the temple finally chose to send a priestess to Sundren, to represent the church and acquire information about the Banite, Talonan, and especially Sharite activities in the area. While they trusted Elusa, they were still unsure of her abilities. Rena was not a first choice for the assignment, but Elusa insisted. To reduce the risk that the tiny cleric would be attacked and killed, the church gave her basic combat training and suggested the use of an alternate personality. Rena refused to deny her worship of Selûne, so she instead hid her intelligence, wisdom, and strength under the guise of an immature, aspiring young priestess. She chose to identify herself as a Touched Priestess, and adopted the accent and speech of a child of the streets.
<b>Current activities:</b>
Rena spends much of her time conversing with the people of Sundren. She uses her alternate personality as a tool to uncover the both the most kind hearted and cold hearted people of Sundren. She also ventures into the wilderness to practice her combat skills, which she most often does alone. At other times, she continues to read, though she has expanded to fiction as well as fact.