
The spear of the Black Hand attack stalled, the valiant warriors of the Legion and its allies rode the tidal wave of death approaching.
Those who saw the climatic event spoke of how the Triumvirate Champion, Darius Blackwell faced off against Bane’s Chosen. The duel preceded the battle but was to set the stage for what came next.
Just when it appeared Golias, the Blackguard Champion might be gaining the upper hand… an arrow hit his chest… then another, and another. The one came to be known as the “Faerie Queen”, Maia attacked the Dread Lord.
Both sides of each force looked on as the clouds darkened overhead, and a mighty crackle streaked from across the sky. Lightning, red as hellfire came from the clouds and struck down the interrupter of the duel, leaving her as another casualty where already so many have been lost.
Battered and beaten, Golias fell under Darius’ sword, riddled with arrows and unable to counter any moves.
Rage. The Triumvirate cursed the interruption of a fight with some semblance of honor. The Banites became enraged, denied even a fair fight from the ‘honorable’ Triumvirate.
Moments later the clash continued, the forces of good and evil locked in battle. Endless waves of undead continued, risen by powerful dark priests and clerics alike. Even they were nothing in comparison to the awesome power of the demon allies of Bane, bringing hellfire and death in their wake.
Then; just as all was thought nearly lost — the great Bronze Dragon Ixisitraz flew overhead, landing to stem the tide of the dark forces. With this extra time, the main forces of the Legion retreated.
Ixisitraz, after speaking with the leaders on the battlefield returns to the city, ready to aid the Hands of Mundus in their final great trial.

Moments later lights came streaking into the sky from the city, and a sundering from which no one has ever seen the likes of began. The entire valley rumbled for what seemed like minutes… few could muster the strength to even stand, let alone kneel in the process.
All over Sundren people beheld the great spectacle — the city itself lifting with the foundations of the earth into the sky… massive pillars jutting up from each district — no doubt the Sundrite devices worked on by the hands so carefully for so many months.