<b>Name:</b>Dar'Kane Shadefist (Va'zistyll )
<b>Title(s):</b> Shadow monk
<b>''Home/Location:</b> Sestra
<b>Birthplace:</b> The Yuirwood of Aglarond
<b>Age:</b> 276
<b>Gender:</b> Male
<b>Deity:</b> private
<b>Alignment:</b> LE
When brought into the world,Dar was known as,Dar'Kane Va'zistyll..His family lived in the ancient mysterious and magical forest of The Yuirwood on the peninsula nation of Aglarond..The Yuirwood rarely housed many moon -elven,though Dar's family was one of few..At the young age of 95,Dar fell in love with a beautiful,moon-elf noble girl,Heilella Ariellis..of House Ariellis in Velprintalar, capital of Aglarond..The couple met in secrecy for many years and discussed running away together so they may be wed…Nobles and commoners are not to marry for it is forbidden in some noble houses..
The time they both dreaded finally arrived…Heilella,the love of Dar's life was to be wed and betrothed to another of noble blood like her own..She brought saddening news to Dar and they both wept for their love under the light of Selune…
Though Heilella was promised to another,they still managed to sneak away together and spend endless hours in each others arms,passionatly making love…Little did Dar know,they had made a crucial mistake…Heilella became pregnant with child…Soon their love for one another would be discovered…
Tendays at a time went past and Heilella's mother and father started noticing the change in their daughter's appearance…Suspicion began to grow more common upon her parents and one evening her father had her followed…She met Dar at the same place they always met,Under a walk bridge located in a small park in the center of the city…They walked until they came to the place where they would lay together right before sunrise…Behind the bushes close to where they laid,a half-elf of slender build spied on them and listened in on their conversation…Now knowing everything he needed he returned to the Ariellis mansion and reported his findings to Heilella's father…The nobleman was furious…His daughter was with child from a commoner,knowing well she was to be wed to another…
Early that morning,Heilella tried sneaking back into her house not knowing what awaited her…She used the secret passage that led from the large expanse of land they owned,underground and into the cellar through a hidden door…This passage was built just in case of a largescale Thayan invasion or any other dire threats to the lives of the noble family…Upon entering the cellar her father and two house guards stood waiting…Her father had a scowl on his face she had never seen on the man in her whole 109 years of existence ….He had her locked away in her room and forbidden to leave until he could figure out a way to make things right…"It will be banishment to the young Dar'kane,or he can meet an untimely death"
The very next day Dar was found and arrested…Lord Ariellis visited Dar at his cell that evening and gave the young elf a choice…."Leave Aglarond and never return or face death for the crimes of pregnating and laying with a noble which is already betrothed..my daughter…</td><td>"
Of course young Dar chose the latter…torn to pieces on the inside,he was released the following day and led to the Aglarond/Thayan border..The guard escort said,"Never return to this soil,Dar'Kane Va'zistyll,you are no longer welcome and will be put to death if you choose otherwise.."
Heart broken,disowned by his own people and cast away to the wilderness of Thay,the young elf trudged along for what seemed like days..On the actual 5th day of his exile,a small caravan heading to Kara-tur,found Dar laying on the roadside unconscious,apparently from dehydration and hunger..The small caravan was made up of stout,stocky men in gray and black robes of what seemed like monks to Dar, when he awoke on the third day after being found..The strange looking men didnt say much at all..The young elf sat in silence riding in the wagon,not caring at all where he ended up or his fate…A feeling of resentment rose up in him ….he couldnt understand why the Selderine would let this kind of thing happen to him…He questioned why…and no answer was givin.."I curse you Corellon all of you…may you burn in the hells</td><td>!"Why?"…The robed men just looked to him then returned to their own business..
Through rough terrain and many miles of travel,they finally reached their destination, a small monastary 50 miles within the Kara-tur border…Dar entered the place following behind the robed men in silence..Upon entering the place,there stood a statue of unremarkable crafting…The statue was of a sinister looking man wearing a mask that he wore upon his upper features with eyeholes……Dar said to himself,"This is a Monastary of the Shadowlord Mask…"
Dar'Kane is a minipulative man,his exile has changed him greatly in many ways.If he can find no gain or something that will further his ambitions,then he sees it as a waste to his precious time…He enjoys exploiting others weaknesses and loves the irony that all things provide..He has a quick tongue,sarcasm flows out of his mouth with ease and arrogance..He allows very few to get close to him…for he views everyone he meets as a potential enemy or a potential gain…He loves only one that walks in life..
Which ever suits his needs and purposes.
<b>Significant Relationships</b>
*<b>Quelistyra Shadefist (Ariellis)</b>
Dar'Kane's beautiful daughter and the only thing he holds dear from his former life..She is the image of her late mother(Heilella),but far more beautiful.
*<b>Ravenoz Deadl-leaf</b>
Ranger of Shevarash and childhood friend to Dar'Kane…Shortly after hearing the news of Dar's exile,Ravenoz set out to find him….Losing his best friend's trail in Thay..Ravenoz returns to the Yuirwood..Later he is reunited with Dar in Cormanthor
*<b>Others not worth mentioning"hahahaha"</b>
<b>Miscellaneous Information</b>
2 years after arriving in Kara-Tur,Dar'Kane changes his name to<i>Dar'Kane Shadefist</i>.He stayed with the monks and trained for 13 years before leaving.