Aquor’s Independence

Aquor gains independence five years after the Day of Broken Blades, owned by Felicia Pendraig. The Zakaharans negotiate a deal with Felicia’s cousin, Evelyn Meriadoc, for immigration rights from Zakhara. As a result, Aquor has a rolling influx of Southern Continent merchants and coin, which diffuses through the country through the Silent Peace. The Silent Peace is an agreement between the throne in Sundren City, Avanthyr’s Protectorate, Sestra’s Stratocracy, and Felicia Pendraig to treat Aquor as neutral territory. Within its borders, and while on any Aquor approved business near its lands, no harm is done directly or otherwise to trading parties. Myrkulites can trade with merchants from Sundren City, Sundren nobility can bargain with Avanthyrite representatives, etc., without the fear of direct conflict. This recipe of uninhibited trade and neutrality ushers in explosive growth for the former sleepy Nobles retreat. There is a large influx of merchants, laborers, and foreigners that take up residences here (permanently or otherwise) and its population swells. While still the least populous State it is not much smaller than Sestra.
That said, there are elements that do work indirectly on the respective city-state’s behalf. Mercenaries, spies, agents of all kinds are an accepted reality, giving rise to games between them. The Pendraigs and Thayan’s have both been quick to capitalize on this, though the Pendraigs do so very quietly.
Avanthyr’s Independence

Avanthyr also claims its independence within that five year span, although it had essentially done so at the end of the last war. Its ports open to trade and its waters are patrolled by its navy. This has attracted the attentions of various other nations, and trade ships frequently make harbor. In particular, Sembia has been keen on developing strong sea ties with Avanthyr and Sestra, which has grown considerably. Like the other cities (with the exception of Sundren) Avanthyr’s population and trade has grown considerably. They become a much wealthier town than they had been in the past and are now the second most populous state, though still well behind Sundren City. This has been a blessing and a curse as there are issues with disease and over-population in some areas. Still, while not as militarily powerful as Sestra, or as large an economy as Sundren it holds a powerful seat amongst it’s peers in the valley and generally prospers.