Idly balancing his weight on the heft of his ornate greataxe Stil Watters stands tall at a relaxed six foot five. Affixed atop his often bald head lies his brown turban made from cotton textiles local to Sestran. His height is skewed slightly by the appearance of his lanky frame, albeit well padded with lean muscle. His brown eyebrows, highlighting his deep sea green eyes, are sparse and interrupted by countless diminutive scars and other larger more prominent ones. Skin tanned and lips a pale rose Stil carries trademark Illuskan characteristics accentuated by a curled mustache; a typical staple of Luskan couture.
Chain links glisten as light refracts off the oiled surface, polished to a shine. His chainmail hangs tightly around his torso protecting his front, back, and sides, leather straps and iron buckles keeping it secure. Atop his chest lays a common tabard found among Blackwood Company mercenaries, a small insignia attached to an epaulet on the tabard denoting his rank of Grunt. Scoffs and scratches line the haft and head of his enormous iron greataxe, tinted bronze, but otherwise appeared to be a well serviced weapon; this fact enforced by a large oilskin holster attached to the harness on his back. Stil's boots run knee high and well worn countless belts and buckles serving both a utilitarian need and a want for a bit of Illuskan au couture.
A lone talisman dedicated to Tempus lays on top of his armor hanging from a simple metal chain. Tempus' crest lies immaculately cared for it's flaming sword upon shield shining brilliantly.