
Sundren City is the main area of urbanization in the entire valley. It was the center of Mundus’ power, will, and vision in creating a nation in this dangerous plot of land so close to the Spine of the World. As such, it houses most of Sundren’s trading and elite, a center for the extravagance of the rich and the slums of the poor. There are a few Legions stationed within and around the city, and so it is probably the most well ordered city in the entire valley. The farther one gets from the City, the farther one gets from the law. From bustling markets to shady taverns, Sundren City is a place that holds many secrets and many adventurers for those willing to brave the urban jungle that it has turned into.
With the Second Bloodmaim War, the City was forced to defend itself from encroaching Banite forces. The Hands of Mundus devised a daring, complicated, and near suicidal scheme in order to save the city from certain destruction. Using the rare mineral called Sundrite, the Hands managed to erect a spell that raised the city into the sky like Netheril of old. With the City’s raising and the Second Sundering of the valley, the districts were redefined and refugee’s poured into the city to escape the Bloodmaim and Black Hand hordes that plague the valley.
Fall of the City

However, it was not to last. The City was brought down once more, this time by the Sinister Three, mages who were former Left Hands seeking to destroy the City’s reactors. Adventurers, including members of the recently formed Magisterium rushed back to the Gate to aid in its defense once realizing the mage’s plans. The Sinister Three had carefully lured out most of the Sundrite Reactors’ defenders: most of the Helmites had been called down by a false request for meeting by their Avanthyrian chapter brothers; the Right Hands had been lured into a trap ; and Edaphriel, an elven Enchantress of the Sinister Three, had ensorcelled half of the Legion forces at the Gate, commanding them to dispatch anybody who attempted to get back in the City.

The Sinister Trickster meanwhile was occupying the remaining Right Hand and Helmite forces with a small army of simulacra attacking from the skies, while Severax, their leader, infiltrated the City to attack the reactors. The adventurers decided to evade the dominated Legionnaires, managing to avoid unnecessary bloodshed to confront Edaphriel. In an epic battle, they defeated her and her controlled guards, eventually ending the domination spell and freeing the Legionnaires from her control. They proceeded forward to teleport back to the City.
Once in the City, they discovered it was blanketed in chaos as Helmites and Right Hands fought the Trickster’s simulacra. Avoiding the battles, they chose to head straight for the reactors, managing to reach them – and Severax – but too late to stop him from corrupting the reactors. They slew Severax, but were faced with an unfortunate choice: keep the city afloat, but in danger, or set it down safely?
The mages of the Magisterium decided that rather than allow the Right Hands to keep the City afloat, they would force the city down themselves by powering down the reactors. The Right Hands travelling with them attempted to stop him, but drained by their battle with the Sinister Trickster, they were easily dispatched. One of the mages sacrificed his life to bring the city down, and finally, the City had landed. The threat gone and with no one to say otherwise, the adventurers were hailed as heroes in defense of the City. The Sinister Trickster, his goal accomplished and his allies’ dead, escaped.
Current Year

Since then, the City has remained firmly on the ground, and with all of the problems that come with it. With the splitting of the empire into various city-states, the Sundarian Empire is a shadow of its former self. While the free cities of Sundren flourished, the empire and its central government fell into disarray. The Imperial Senate now manages much of the daily governance. Their efforts to improve the city’s infrastructure and defenses are challenged by crime and corruption at all levels, even within the Senate itself. Maintaining the uneasy peace maintained between Sundren City, Avanthyr, Aquor and Sestra is a shared goal between the Empress and the Senate.

The City is divided into four main districts with a small amount of leeway in between. These districts house very different groups depending, and in general have little to do with one another besides being next to one another. For instance, the Forum has booths and commoners bustling about, but one district over and you’re in Castrum, with troops patrolling around and the looming Legion Chapterhouse and Helmite temple. In any case, the districts are well known and well traveled by even the newest adventurer.

The Forum is the district with the largest amount of shops and market, a bustling place that you can find just about anything you need to start adventuring. Thrifty Hides has the finest leather products such as belts and armor, while Braxis’ forge makes many weapons suited for the adventuring life. Some even say the forge has a stash of silver weapons in stock to deal with the undead menace. Immovable Objects has a fine selection of armors of all fashions, one just has to make certain its the type one wants to buy! Sure Shots is full of exotic looking bows and arrows for the fledgling archer as well. Finer Point caters to those who dance on a razor’s edge with a rapier wit and blade.

The Temple of Helm and the temple itself caters to all of those who need assistance. The Sundren Legion‘s Chapterhouse in the district, while old, is in servicable state, and is home to the remnants of the Legion.

The City was packed full of refugees during the Second Sundering, and the City hasn’t been able to handle the huge quantity of poor souls who need food, water, and shelter. As a result, most of the refugees have made their home in the more rundown parts of the City, and crime is a common element.
For a seedier time in the City, head to Jimmy’s tavern. Jimmy himself is long gone, but don’t let this stop you from exploring the blackjack offered along with the cage fighting at the center of the place with betting going on. Rumor has it that some shadier people play and meet in the back of Jimmy’s, so it’s a likely place for those looking for trouble to find it.
The upper part of the district is home to the Temple of Oghma. They usually have crafting stations open to the public, as well as a huge amount of supplies for the beginning alchemist or crafter. The Exigo HQ within the city sits right next door, and is always busy with some bizarre invention or another. Rumor has it that there is a shady fellow around the district, selling things to the right customer for the right…motivation.

Aspirations is frequented by all manner of people, from scholars to performing bards. It is full to the brim of exciting things to do, and one cannot expect to remain bored for long if its traveled fully. The Sundren University is considered widely to be the best school for several leagues, and is home to many a mage and scholar. It’s conveniently placed near the Sundren Library, where Oghmites helps students sift through the vast amounts of information.
The Triumverate also makes its home across the park from the Sundren Comfort, a place of sanctuary and peace for all who desire it. The Trade and Balance is the city’s performing institute. Town meetings and plays frequent its halls, and it sells alcoholic beverages to boot!

The City has various sewer grates located throughout the districts that lead to a network of tunnels beneath the City. No one is quite sure what is down there, but rumors say that there is some kind of ooze that seeps through the stonework walls. Even deeper, rumors say that gangs have made their lairs within the disgusting tunnels, and might be a repository for whomever the gangs might have severe dislike for.
Sleeping with the fishes would be preferable to the things that potential victims might lie with instead in these dank, light-less tunnels.
Government and Leaders

Sundren’s government is lead by the Empress, as well as the [Senate].
Empress Licinia, Queen of the Sundered Valley, “The Empress without an Empire”
A skilled orator, politician, and strategist, Licinia keeps careful tabs on all the major players within and without Sundren. As to the actual governance of Sundren City itself, she is more than happy to leave that to the squabbling of the Imperial Senate.
Licinia’s Small Council
- Lord Antonidas, Hand of the Empress
- Lord Vycant Veritas, King-Consort
- Various advisors
- Jowy, Licinia’s court jester
The Senate is populated by nobility large and small.

Population Approximate: 24,500
Physical and Magical Environment

Terrain: Plains, mountains
Appearance: Cheapside (Unattractve); Aspirations (Beautiful); Forum/Castrum (Average)
Hygiene: Cheapside -3 (Poverty -1, Catastrophe -1); Aspirations +1 (Healthy Environment +1, Strict Public Health Enforcement +1); Forum/Castrum +0 (Strict Public Health Enforcement +1)
High Magic (Common Enchantment)
Culture and Economy

Language: Common
Literacy: Native
Wealth: Cheapside (Struggling); Aspirations (Very Wealthy); Forum/Castrum (Average)
Status: -2 to 8 (Beggar to Emperor)
Political Environment

Government: Military Government, Imperial
Ruling party: Legion
Resident factions: Sundarian Legion (including Condotierri and Vigilis)

Major Imports: Foodstuffs, Raw Materials, Spices, Luxury Goods, Ore, Raw Minerals from Mirabar, Magical Components
Major Exports: Manufactured Goods, Magic Items, Armaments, Innovative Machinery, Artifacts (Lantanese)
Economic Analysis

The City is full to bursting with craftsmen, engineers, and other learned professionals. The Temple of Oghma alone employs a dozen scribes a day, and the wealth of knowledge contained in the City is monumental. Magic items created by the Magisterium and other craftsmen are also available, but there is a significant boom in the creation of artificer’s devices. With the defection of Lanatan’s Chief artificier, such objects have become increasingly common. As these devices are cheaper to produce than magical devices, Sundren has seen an increase in their use, and they have become commonplace in regular households. Sundren is close enough to Avanthyr to trade, and is accessible enough to pull in goods and raw materials from outside the valley.
The town is a hive of manufacturing, due to the presence of the Exigo as well as the former capitol of the previous Sundarian government. It is a center of craftsmen, mages, and knowledge that is unparalleled by the rest of the valley.

Military Strength: With the separation of power within Sundren City from the Emperor, and the landing of the City, there came a need for more specialized soldiers. As a result, the Imperial Government, while consolidating its forces at home by dissolving the Legions into a single Legio and incorporating the Helmites into the Vigiles, or Sundren Constabulary, has seen the need for soldiers with unique skills and backgrounds who do not toil away at the trenches. As a result, those with specific skills are sorted into the Legio Discenius .

The purpose of this particular Legio is to spread into the valley and work the Empire’s will: whether that means securing its borders, or obtaining new resources, or even normalizing relations with other city-states. These soldiers can act in any capacity, be it spy or warrior, mage or priest. Their skillsets still define their ranks and specializations, but they are no longer bound to a singular command branch. Instead, these men and women serve under the direct supervision of the Evocati, the elite soldiers of the Sundarian Legio.
Range of Territory: Sundren’s territory ranges outside of its walls moreso than most of the other city-states, due to the strength of its military. While weaker than it has been since Sundren’s founding, it is still the premier fighting force in the valley, second to none. This has allowed a relatively larger expansion from its walls than most others, and Sundren enjoys the fields and farms of the Ulsteris family in addition to whatever lands the other nobility bring to its resources.
Current Problems: Since the fall of the City, the overcrowding has lessened over the past fifty years to spread outside Sundren’s walls. That said, crime and corruption still run rampant in certain portions of the City, and even the Legion cannot patrol all the time.
Current State of Sundren’s Economy

Sundren suffered since the end of the wars. They sustained considerable losses, and not just from the Legion. They took many political and economic hits, and with the city on the ground they are more vulnerable should any force threaten. This has forced a change in tact and through the Silent Peace they (mostly) accept the independence of the other states. Their military as it stands now is at least a match to Sestra, and they are much more populous than even Avanthyr, but they rely heavily on trade for many goods. This isn’t as large an issue as it may seem due to the resources they can export, but it does mean diplomacy is needed when dealing with their neighbors. While population is still below peaks in the pre-war eras of Sundren there are sections of the city such as Cheapside where living conditions are among the worst in all of Sundren. Crime is a constant threat to many of the common folk and they face some challenges within their own walls.
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