Wiltenholm, Osclow

<b>Name:</b> Osclow Jebrin Wiltenholm<br>
<b>Title(s):</b> Os, Mr. Funny-hat, Music man<br>
<b>Home/Location:</b> Navil Village (southeast of Neverwinter)'''<br>
<b>Birthplace:</b> Navil Village<br>
<b>Age:</b> 25<br>
<b>Race:</b> Human<br>
<b>Gender:</b> Male<br>
<b>Deity:</b> Deneir<br>
<b>Alignment:</b> Neutral Good<br>

(Under construction)

<li> Church of Oghma</li>
<li> rumored to be established with various other groups as well.</li>

<b>Significant Relationships:</b>
<li> Tia Vindel: Osclow's adopted daughter. Officially she is the daughter of Lilia and Parm, two of Osclow's childhood friends who died in a tragic accident 2 years ago. Tia's happiness is everything to Osclow, worth even more to him than his own life. </li>
<li> Fenton Tellens: One of Osclow's best friends and his official partner in business. Though they have only known each other for a short time, they have almost become brothers in a sense, agreeing to split all profits made 50-50. </li>

<b>Miscellaneous Information:</b>
<li> The Wiltenholm family has a history of individuals naturally talented in the ways of music, arcane, and adventuring. </li>
<li> Though Osclow is recognized by most in the village of Navil to be the guardian of Tia, this is not officially recognized on any government form or record.</li>

Last updated byAnonymous