Cleric Domains:

Clerics can select two domains upon taking their first level in the class. These domains *must* be taken from the allowed domains in the list below. Each domain grants one spell for each spell level, as well as an ability or feat unique to each choice.
Domain Spells Can Be Found Here.
Deities/Allowed Domains:

Abbathor | LE, NE, CE | Greed | Evil, Trickery, Luck, Travel |
Aerdrie Faenya | NG, CG, CN | Air, weather, avians, rain, fertility, avariels | Air, Animal, Good, Chaos |
Akadi | LN, TN, CN, NE | Elemental air, movement, speed, flying creatures | Air, Trickery, Travel, Water |
Angharradh | NG, CG, CN | Spring, fertility, planting, birth, defense, wisdom | Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Chaos |
Anhur | NG, CG, CN | War, conflict, physical prowess, thunder, rain | Good, War, Strength, Chaos, Fury, Air |
Arvoreen | LG, NG, LN | Defense, war, vigilance, halfling warriors, duty | Good, Protection, War, Law, Luck |
Auril | LE, NE, CE | Cold, winter | Air, Evil, Water, Cold, Fury |
Azuth | LG, LN, LE | Wizards, mages, spellcasters in general, monks of the Shining Hand order | Magic, Knowledge, Trickery, Law |
Baervan Wildwanderer | LG, NG, CG | Travel, nature, forest gnomes | Animal, Good, Plant, Travel |
Bahgtru | CN, NE, CE | Loyalty, stupidity, brute strength | Chaos, Strength, Evil, Fury |
Bane | LN, LE, NE | Strife, hatred, tyranny, fear | Destruction, Evil, Law, Fury, Blood |
Baravar Cloakshadow | LG, NG, CG | Illusions, deception, traps, wards | Good, Protection, Trickery, Knowledge |
Berronar Truesilver | LG, NG, LN | Safety, honesty, home, healing, the dwarven family, records, marriage, faithfulness, loyalty, oaths | Good, Healing, Protection, Law |
Beshaba | CN, NE, CE | Random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, accidents | Chaos, Evil, Luck, Trickery, Fury |
Brandobaris | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Stealth, thievery, adventuring, halfling rogues | Travel, Trickery, Luck, Dream, Luck |
Callarduran Smoothhands | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Stone, the Underdark, mining, the svirfneblin | Earth, Knowledge, Fire, Darkness |
Chauntea | LG, NG, CG, TN | Agriculture, plants, cultivated by humans, farmers, gardeners, summer | Animal, Earth, Good, Plant, Protection, Sun |
Clangeddin Silverbeard | LG, NG, LN | Battle, war, valor, bravery, honor in battle | Good, Law, Strength, War, Fury |
Colibrus | LE, NE, LN | Blood, Vampires | Law, Evil, Blood, Undeath, Time |
Corellon Larethian | NG, CG, CN | Magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race (especially sun elves), poetry, bards, warriors | Good, Magic, Protection, War, Chaos |
Cyric | CN, NE, CE | Murder, lies, intrigue, deception, illusion | Destruction, Evil, Trickery, Chaos |
Cyrrollalee | LG, NG, LN | Friendship, trust, the hearth, hospitality, crafts | Good, Law, Protection, Dream, Luck |
Deep Duerra | LN, LE, NE | Psionics, conquest, expansion | Evil, War, Law, Protection |
Deneir | LG, NG, CG | Glyphs, images, literature, scribes, cartography | Good, Knowledge, Protection, Magic |
Dugmaren Brightmantle | NG, CG, CN | Scholarship, invention, discovery | Good, Knowledge, Chaos, Magic |
Dumathoin | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Buried wealth, ores, gems, mining, exploration, shield dwarves, guardian of the dead | Earth, Knowledge, Protection, Fire |
Eilistraee | NG, CG, CN | Song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, moonlight | Chaos, Good, Dream, Travel |
Eldath | LG, NG, CG | Quest places, springs, pools, peace, waterfalls | Good, Plant, Protection, Water, Sun |
Erevan Ilesere | CG, CN, CE | Mischief, change, rogues | Trickery, Chaos, Luck, Dream |
Fenmarel Mestarine | CG, CN, CE | Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation | Animal, Plant, Trickery, Travel, Chaos |
Finder Wyvernspur | CG, CN, CE | Cycle of life, transformation of art, saurials | Chaos, Animal, Knowledge, Dream |
Flandal Steelskin | LG, NG, CG | Mining, physical fitness, smithing, metalworking | Good, Knowledge, Fire, Earth |
Gaerdal Ironhand | LG, NG, LN | Vigilance, combat, martial defense | Good, Protection, War, Law |
Garagos | CG, CN, CE | War, skill-at-arms, destruction, plunder | Destruction, Strength, War, Chaos, Fury |
Gargauth | LN, LE, NE | Betrayal, cruelty, political corruption, powerbrokers | Evil, Trickery, Law, Suffering |
Garl Glittergold | LG, NG, LN | Protection, humor, trickery, gem cutting, gnomes | Good, Protection, Trickery, Law, Fire |
Geb | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Earth, miners, mines, mineral resources | Earth, Protection, Time, Knowledge |
Ghaunadaur | CN, NE, CE | Ooze, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels | Evil, Chaos, Darkness, Destruction/td> |
Gond | LG, NG, CG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE, CE | Artifice, craft, construction, smithwork | Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Time |
Gorm Gulthyn | LG, NG, LN | Guardian of all dwarves, defense, watchfulness | Good, Protection, War, Law |
Grumbar | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Elemental earth, solidarity, changelessness, oaths | Earth, Time, Knowledge, Protection |
Gruumsh | CN, NE, CE | Orcs, conquest, survival, strength, territory | Evil, Strength, War, Chaos, Fury |
Gwaeron Windstrom | LG, NG, CG | Tracking, rangers of the North | Animal, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Travel |
Haela Brightaxe | NG, CG, CN | Luck in battle, joy of battle, dwarven fighters | Good, War, Luck, Chaos |
Hanali Celanil | NG, CG, CN | Love, romance, beauty, enchantments, magic item artistry, fine art, artists | Good, Magic, Protection, Chaos |
Hathor | LG, NG, CG | Motherhood, folk music, dance, the moon, fate | Good, Dream, Knowledge, Time |
Helm | LG, LN, LE | Guardians, protectors, protection | Protection, Strength, Law, Suffering, Time |
Hoar | LG, LN, LE | Revenge, retribution, poetic justice | Law, Travel, Death, Fury |
Horus-Re | LG, NG, LN | The sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, life | Good, Sun, Law, Fury, Blood |
Ilmater | LG, NG, LN | Endurance, suffering, martyrdom, perseverance | Healing, Good, Strength, Law, Suffering |
Ilneval | LE, NE, CE | War, combat, overwhelming numbers, strategy | Destruction, Evil, War, Knowledge, Time |
Isis | LG, NG, CG | Weather, rivers, agriculture, love, marriage, good magic | Air, Water, Magic, Good, Knowledger |
Istishia | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Elemental water, purification | Destruction, Water, Travel, Air |
Jergal | LG, LN, LE | Fatalism, proper burial, guardian of tombs | Law, Knowledge, Suffering, Death |
Kelemvor | LG, LN, LE | None | Law, Protection, Travel, Death |
Kiransalee | CN, NE, CE | Undead, vengeance | Chaos, Evil, Undeath, Darkness |
Kossuth | LG, NG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE | Elemental fire, purification through fire | Destruction, Fire, Suffering, Fury |
Labelas Enoreth | NG, CG, CN | Time, longevity, the moment of choice, history | Time, Chaos, Good, Knowledge |
Laduguer | LN, LE, NE | Magic weapon creation, artisans, magic, gray dwarves | Evil, Magic, Protection, Law |
Lathander | LG, NG, CG | Athletics, birth, creativity, dawn, renewal, self-perfection, spring, vitality, youth | Good, Protection, Strength, Sun, Healing |
Leira | CG, TN, CN, CE | Deception, illusion, mist, shadow | Darkness, Trickery, Magic, Chaos |
Lliira | NG, CG, CN | Joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty | Good, Travel, Chaos, Protection |
Lolth | CN, NE, CE | Assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil, spiders | Destruction, Evil, Trickery, Chaos, Darkness |
Loviatar | LN, LE, NE | Pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, torture | Evil, Strength, Law, Suffering |
Lurue | NG, CG, CN | Talking beasts, intelligent non-humanoid creatures | Animal, Healing, Good, Chaos |
Luthic | LE, NE, CE | Caves, orc females, home, wisdom, fertility, healing, servit | Earth, Evil, Healing, Protection |
Malar | CN, NE, CE | Bloodlust, evil lycanthropes, hunters, marauding beasts and monsters, stalking | Animal, Evil, Strength, Chaos, Dream |
Marthammor Duin | LG, NG, CG | Guides, explorers, expatriates, travelers, lightning | Good, Protection, Travel, Air |
Mask | LE, NE, CE | Shadows, thievery, thieves | Evil, Trickery, Darkness, Luck, Dream |
Mielikki | LG, NG, CG | Autumn, dryads, forest creatures, forest, rangers | Good, Animal, Plant, Travel |
Milil | LG, NG, CG | Poetry, song, eloquence | Good, Knowledge, Dream, Travel |
Moradin | LG, NG, LN | Dwarves, creation, smithing, protection, metalcraft, stonework | Earth, Good, Protection, Law |
Myrkul | LE, NE, CE | Corruption, The Dead, Decay, Exhaustion, Old age | Death, Evil, Suffering, Undeath |
Mystra | LG, NG, CG, LN | Magic, spells, the Weave | Good, Knowledge, Magic, Protection |
Nephthys | NG, CG, CN | Wealth, protector of children, trade and the dead | Good, Protection, Chaos, Death |
Oghma | LG, NG, CG, LN, TN, CN, LE, NE, CE | Bards, inspiration, invention, knowledge | Knowledge, Travel, Trickery, Luck |
Osiris | LG, NG, LN | Vegetation, the dead, death, justice, harvest | Law, Good, Plant, Healing |
Red Knight | LG, LN, LE | Strategy, planning, tactics | War, Law, Protection, Time, Blood |
Rillfane Rallathil | NG, CG, CN | Woodlands, nature, wild elves, wood elves, druids | Good, Plant, Protection, Chaos |
Savras | LG, LN, LE | Divination, fate, truth | Knowledge, Magic, Law, Time |
Sebek | LN, CN, NE | River hazards, crocodiles, werecrocodiles, wetlands | Animal, Evil, Water, Air |
Segojan Earthcaller | LG, NG, CG | Earth, nature, the dead | Earth, Good, Death, Animal |
Sehanine Moonbow | NG, CG, CN | Mysticism, dreams, death, journeys, transcendence, the moon, the stars, the heavens, moon elves | Good, Knowledge, Travel, Dream |
Selune | NG, CG, CN | Good and neutral lycanthropes, moon, navigation, questers, stars, wanderers | Good, Protection, Travel, Chaos, Dream |
Set | LN, LE, NE | The desert, destruction, drought, night, rot,snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, ambition, poison, murder | Air, Evil, Magic, Darkness, Law |
Seveltarm | CN, NE, CE | Bloodlust, battle prowess, drow warriors | Evil, War, Chaos, Darkness |
Shar | LE, NE, CE | Caverns, dark, dungeons, forgetfulness, loss, night, secrets, the Underdark | Evil, Knowledge, Darkness, Trickery |
Sharess | NG, CG, CN | Hedonism, sensual fulfillment, festhalls, cats | Good, Travel, Trickery, Chaos |
Shargaas | CN, NE, CE | Night, thieves, stealth, darkness, the Underdark | Darkness, Chaos, Evil, Trickery |
Sharindlar | NG, CG, CN | Healing, mercy, romantic, love, fertility, dancing, courtship, the moon | Good, Healing, Chaos, Dream |
Shaundakul | CG, CN, CE | Travel, exploration, portals, miners, caravans | Air, Protection, Travel, Chaos |
Sheela Peryroyl | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Nature, agriculture, weather, song, dance, beauty, romantic love | Air, Plant, Dream, Water, Luck |
Shevarash | CG, CN, CE | Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss | War, Strength, Fury, Chaos |
Shiallia | LG, NG, CG | Woodland glades, woodland fertility, growth, the High Forest, Neverwinter Wood | Animal, Good, Plant, Sun |
Siamorphe | LG, LN, LE | Nobles, rightful rule of nobility, human royalty | Law, Knowledge, Blood, Time |
Silvanus | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Wild nature, druids | Animal, Protection, Plant, Water, Healing |
Solonor Thelandira | NG, CG, CN | Archery, hunting, wilderness survival | Good, Plant, War, Chaos |
Sseth | CN, NE, CE | Poison, somnolence | Knowledge, Chaos, Air, Evil, Magic, Animal, Trickery |
Sune | NG, CG, CN | Beauty, love, passion | Protection, Good, Chaos, Luck |
Talona | CN, NE, CE | Pestilence, sickness, poison | Destruction, Evil, Chaos, Suffering |
Talos | CN, NE, CE | Storms, destruction, rebellion, conflagration, earthquakes, vortices | Destruction, Evil, Fire, Chaos, Air, Fury |
Tempus | CG, CN, CE | War, battle, warriors | Protection, Strength, War, Chaos, Fury |
Thard Harr | NG, CG, CN | Wild dwarves, jungle survival hunting | Animal, Good, Plant, Chaos, Fury |
Thoth | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Neutral magic, scribes, knowledge, invention, secrets | Knowledge, Magic, Luck, Travel |
Torm | LG, NG, LN | Duty, loyalty, obedience, paladins | Good, Healing, Protection, Strength, Law |
Tymora | NG, CG, CN | Good fortune, skill, victory, adventures | Good, Protection, Travel, Luck, Chaos |
Tyr | LG, NG, LN | Justice | Good, Knowledge, War, Law |
Ubtao | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Creation, jungles, Chult, the Chultans, dinosaurs | Plant, Protection, Animal, Time |
Ulutiu | LG, LN, LE | Glaciers, polar environments, Arctic dwellers | Animal, Protection, Strength, Law, Cold |
Umberlee | CN, NE, CE | Oceans, currents, waves, sea winds | Destruction, Evil, Water, Chaos, Air |
Urdlen | CN, NE, CE | Greed, bloodlust, evil, hatred, uncontrolled impulse, spriggans | Earth, Evil, Chaos, Destruction, Blood |
Urogalan | LG, LN, LE | Earth, death, protection of the dead | Death, Earth, Protection, Law, Luck |
Valkur | NG, CG, CN | Sailors, ships, favorable winds, naval combat | Air, Good, Protection, Chaos, Fury |
Velsharoon | LN, CN, NE | Necromancy, necromancers, evil liches, undeath | Death, Evil, Magic, Undeath |
Vergadain | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Wealth, luck, chance, non-evil thieves, suspicion, trickery, negotiation, sly cleverness | Luck, Trickery, Travel, Dream |
Vhaeraun | CN, NE, CE | Thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface | Evil, Travel, Trickery, Chaos, Darkness |
Waukeen | NG, LN, TN, CN, NE | Trade, money, wealth | Knowledge, Protection, Travel, Dream |
Yondalla | LG, NG, LN | Protection, bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom, creation, family, tradition | Good, Protection, Law, Luck |
Yurtrus | CN, NE, CE | Death, disease | Death, Destruction, Evil, Suffering, Fury |
Baphomet | CN, NE, CE | Minotaurs, Vengeance | Animal, Chaos, Evil, Strength, Fury |
Dagon | CN, NE, CE | Aquatic Monsters, Knowledge/td> | Chaos, Evil, Water, Darkness, Knowledge |
Demogorgon | CN, NE, CE | Demonkind | Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Suffering |
Fraz-Urb’luu | CN, NE, CE | Trickery, deception | Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War |
Graz’zt | CN, NE, CE | Tyrants, despot, guile, debauchery | Chaos, Evil, Strength, Dream/td> |
Juiblex | CN, NE, CE | Oozes, slimes, outcasts | Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Suffering |
Kostchtchie | CN, NE, CE | Giants | Chaos, Evil, Fury, War, Cold |
Malcanthet | CN, NE, CE | Succubi | Chaos, Evil, Trickery, Dream |
Obox-ob | CN, NE, CE | Ekolids | Chaos, Evil, Animal, Destruction |
Orcus | CN, NE, CE | Undeath | Chaos, Evil, Undeath, Death |
Pale Night | CN, NE, CE | Madness/td> | Chaos, Evil, Darkness, Knowledge, Suffering |
Pazuzu | CN, NE, CE | Flying | Chaos, Evil, Air, Dream |
Yeenoghu | CN, NE, CE | Death, disease | Chaos, Evil, War, Fury |
Zuggtmoy | CN, NE, CE | Fungi | Chaos, Evil, Plant, Undeath |
Bel | LN, LE, NE | War | Law, Evil, Strength, Destruction, War |
Dispater | LN, LE, NE | Paranoia, Overworking | Law, Evil, War, Destruction, Protection, Knowledge |
Mammon | LN, LE, NE | Wealth, Greed | Law, Evil, Luck, Trickery, Fire |
Belial | LN, LE, NE | Death, disease | Law, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery/td> |
Levistus | LN, LE, NE | Treachery | Law, Evil, Trickery, Water, War |
Glasya | LN, LE, NE | Manipulation, Seduction | Law, Evil, Trickery, Fire |
Baalzebul | LN, LE, NE | Lies | Law, Evil, Trickery, Strength, War, Fire |
Mephistopheles | LN, LE, NE | Hellfire | Law, Evil, Fire, Cold |
Asmodeus | LN, LE, NE | Sin, Indulgence | Law, Evil, Destruction, Fire, Trickery |
Fierna | LN, LE, NE | Seduction | Law, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery, Fire |