

Halflings are clever, capable, and resourceful survivors. They are notoriously curious, and show a daring that many larger people can't match. They can be lured by wealth, but tend to spend rather than hoard. Halflings have ruddy skin, hair that is black and straight, and brown or black eyes. Halfling men often grow long sideburns, but rarely beards or mustaches. They prefer practical clothing, and would rather wear a comfortable shirt than jewelry. Halflings stand about 3 feet tall, and commonly live to see 150.

<h3>Strongheart Halflings</h3>

Halflings are clever, capable, and resourceful survivors. While the lightfoot halflings value the experience of travel and the sight of new lands and peoples, the stronghearts are a more organized, orderly, and industrious race. They are built to last, and fiercely defend their homelands against threats from which their lightfoot kin would simply flee. Strongheart halflings enjoy athletic contests and value exceptional skills of all kinds.

<b>Ability Adjustments:</b>
<li> Strength, -2</li>
<li> Dexterity, +2</li>

<b>Racial Features:</b>
<li> Small Size</li>
<li> Favoured Class, Rogue</li>
<li> Skill Affinity (Move Silently): +2 racial bonus on move silently checks. </li>
<li> Fearless: +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear </li>
<li> Good Aim: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings. </li>
<li> Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus on listen checks. </li>
<li> Quick to Master: Strongheart halflings gain an extra feat at 1st level. </li>

<b>Level Adjustment:</b> None

<h3>Lightfoot Halflings</h3>

The most common type of halflings seen in the world, the lightfoots are the most likely to give in to their desire to wander. They are at home living side by side with folk of many different races and cultures.

<b>Abilty Adjustments:</b>
<li> Strength, -2</li>
<li> Dexterity, +2</li>

<b>Racial Features:</b>
<li> Small Size</li>
<li> Favoured Class, Rogue</li>
<li> Skill Affinity (Move Silently): +2 racial bonus on move silently checks. </li>
<li> Lucky: +1 racial bonus on all saving throws. </li>
<li> Fearless: +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear (this bonus stacks with the halfling's +1 bonus on saving throws in general). </li>
<li> Good Aim: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings. </li>
<li> Skill Affinity (Listen): +2 racial bonus on listen checks.</li>

<b>Level Adjustment:</b> None

Last updated byDispater