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[Closed] What will get your thread locked?

1 Posts
1 Users
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Posts: 59
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These will get your threads locked or deleted:

1) Complaints about specific players or Staff, this should not be handled publicly on the forums. If you are having problems with another user on the server, please reach out to Staff with detailed information so we may help resolve.

2) RP Policing – This is a job for the Staff and can be handled privately.

3) Powerlevelling, Power Gaming, Power Looting, Grinding, etc.

4) Flaming

5) Metagaming info about someone else

6) Dead Horse Suggestions and Topics

Please read suggestion forums before suggesting something. We get duplicates quite often. Please use the forum search feature before posting.

7) Threads going off-topic

When passion meets inspiration, an obsession is born.” – Anonymous

Posted : 05/04/2024 11:37 am