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[Closed] Sundren Jobs

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Posts: 81
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The Sundren Project thrived because of a strong community and a dedicated staff. A lot of talented individuals worked together into making the world of Sundren and with this relaunch our team needs to expand.

If you are experienced in any of these fields (professionally or otherwise) and are able to contribute regularly then you may be right for the team!

The following positions are open to experienced applicants:

Level Designers

Level designers require the most experience on the Sundren team, you must already be experienced with the toolset and area design in general. This position is key to continuing this story, and will be highly important as you will help bring new custom content into the world of Sundren, allowing it to expand and grow.

– Requires extensive knowledge of the NWN2 Toolset and a high proficiency with mapping, experience creating modules
– Modelling/Texturing Skills a Plus
– Examples of previous work a must

Content Designers

Content designers require the least toolset knowledge. Their job is primarily to design NPCs, Encounters, Bosses, Items, Crafting Recipies, Components, etc as well as create backgrounds and histories for them. Good grammar and writing skills are essential.

– Basic knowledge of the toolset
– Must be proficient with creating balanced encounters, creatures, bosses etc
– Experience creating items according to balance needs
– Good Grammar & Punctuation skills

Programmers, C++

A C++ programmer will be responsible for all our external tools and plugins developed under NWNx4 and Sundren’s core utilities/functionality. Previous professional development experience a plus.

– Experienced with object oriented programming
– Basic knowledge of SQL
– Familiarity with NWNx libraries a plus

Scripters, Toolset

Scripters help create interactive environments, customized quests, and many other new and useful features in Sundren. Extensive experience with scripting in NWN1/NWN2 is essential. We are in need of significant script work for several new systems, quests, and further class/spell/ability updates.

– Knowledgable with nwscript functions
– Knowledge of SQL a plus
– Examples of previous work required

Writers, Toolset

Writers handle creating dialog and interactions between the player and NPCs. Experience writing dialog in NWN1/NWN2 a must. Writers not only write dialog and create interactive scenes for the player, but also write and create quests, no formal scripting knowledge is required, however advanced use of the dialog editor with scripts is.

– Superior creative writing skills
– Excellent Grammar & Punctuation Skills
– Experience with NWN1/NWN2 dialog editor
– Previous experience DMing and/or writing a plus

Graphic Designers

Graphic designers should have extensive experience creating website artwork, professional material/experience a plus. High familiarity with Photoshop and/or Corel a must. Graphic designers help design web content & promotional material, as well as ingame visual content.

– Experienced with 2D/Vector art
– Examples of previous work required

Dungeon Masters

DM’s help bring the world of Sundren to life, enforce the rules and police ingame disputes, and help moderate the forum. DMs must be mature, unbiased and willing to deal with the bad apples along with the good.

With this re-launch, our DM team is minimal and we will be looking to bring up the next generation of staff who will run and continue this project into the future. There is a great story to tell, and we need people to help bring this about.

– Previous DMing experience a must
– Good grammar & punctuation skills essential
– Proficient with NWN1/NWN2 DM client
– PnP DMing experience a plus

If you are a web developer and are familiar with wordpress/php/mysql or you are a composer feel free to drop us a line as well.

All applications can be sent to me via a forum private message.

When passion meets inspiration, an obsession is born.” – Anonymous

Posted : 05/04/2024 10:48 am